Letter Tags
Sisam writes to ask Tolkien if he would be interested to be part of an edition of the Ancrene Riwle.
In reply to Kenneth Sisam's letter, Tolkien replies that he would be interested to take part in an edition of the Ancrene Riwle. He in fact already has ...
Tolkien writes to Sisam. He has done as much work on the Clarendon Chaucer as possible during his "shattered vac". He is now to be snowed under with wor...
Tolkien's B.Litt. student, and later close friend, Elaine Griffiths, sends Tolkien references to a manuscript he had asked her to prepare on the Ancrene...
During the autumn of 1935, the Early English Text Society invited Tolkien to prepare an edition of the Ancrene Riwle (MS CCCC402). Tolkien will reply th...
Tolkien will reply to A.H. Smith's letter on behalf of the Early English Text Society's invitation to prepare an edition of the Ancrene Riwle. He is kee...
Mabel Day, Secretary of the Early English Text Society, writes Tolkien a letter asking that he confirm his interest in the Ancrene Riwle in writing as r...
Tolkien writes to Mabel Day of the EETS, firstly apologising for his delayed reply which had been requested by the end of 1935. He explains that his ass...
Tolkien writes to Mabel Day, of the EETS. He has not been able to type the specimen pages that he had promised so includes manuscript transcriptions wit...
Mabel Day replies to Tolkien's two letters from January, . She notes that she has sent the first to A.W. Pollard, and explains some of the policies of t...
A.W. Pollard replies to Tolkien's letter, which Mabel Day had forwarded to him. He explains to Tolkien that while he sees advantages to reproducing the ...
Replying to Mabel Day of the EETS, Tolkien thanks her for answering his questions about the EETS' policies on texts and arguing for his view that they s...
Tolkien writes to A.W. Pollard of the EETS on or shortly after this date. Wayne Hammond and Christina Scull note that two versions of this letter exist,...
A.W. Pollard writes to Tolkien to inform him that Robin Flower has been asked to head up the Ancrene Riwle editions at the EETS and that Tolkien's speci...
Mabel Day sends Tolkien some possible corrections and ammendations for his A Middle English Vocabulary. She notes that she believes that Tolkien and Rob...
On 2 June, Mabel Day had reported to the Early English Text Society that their edition of the Ancrene Riwle had met on 27 May. They recommended that the...
Having not heard from Tolkien since her last letter, Mabel Day writes again. She notes that most members agree with him, but that senior member A. W. Po...
Tolkien replies to Mabel Day's letter of 6 August. He says that he hoped to have completed work on her request by now but notes that the death of the li...
Mabel Day replies to Tolkien's letter. She will ask Cambridge for permission to use their manuscript. She notes that A. W. Pollard claims to have not re...
Mabel Day writes to Tolkien, reminding him that 6 months have past since he was asked to provide specimens for the Ancrene Riwle.
As requested by Mabel Day, John Johnson sends Tolkien specimen pages of the Early English Text Societies edition of the Corpus Christi College MS of Anc...
This letter is quoted in D'Ardenne's article 'Two Words in Ancrene Wisse and the Katherine Group' in Notes and Queries 227 (1982), p. 3 where Tolkien di...
Tolkien expresses his eagerness to publish The Lord of the Rings as soon as possible. Tolkien plans to spend some days correcting the manuscript at his ...
Writing to Dan Davin, Sisam describes Tolkien as "a rogue." He bemoans Tolkien's delays on a number of titles, remarking that Tolkien "has had Middle En...
Tolkien confirms that Ancrene Wisse is at the press and should be available soon but this all depends on how quickly he can get the proofs back to them....
Tolkien tells Rayner that he would like his translation of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight to be published next and details his work on Ancrene Wisse. H...
Tolkien tells Rayner that he is getting to his work on the translations of Sir Gawain and Pearl, in addition to The Silmarillion, however the arrival of...
Tolkien's publishing commitments are catching up with him. Chronology reproduced a slightly longer selection of the letter than what appears in Letters....
Guide to Tolkien's Letters
Ancrene Riwle
(30 letters match)1930
September 1930
Kenneth Sisam to J.R.R. Tolkien
Sisam writes to ask Tolkien if he would be interested to be part of an edition of the Ancrene Riwle.
21 November 1930
J.R.R. Tolkien to Kenneth Sisam
In reply to Kenneth Sisam's letter, Tolkien replies that he would be interested to take part in an edition of the Ancrene Riwle. He in fact already has ...
22 January 1931
J.R.R. Tolkien to Kenneth Sisam
Tolkien writes to Sisam. He has done as much work on the Clarendon Chaucer as possible during his "shattered vac". He is now to be snowed under with wor...
18 April 1934
Elaine Griffiths to J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien's B.Litt. student, and later close friend, Elaine Griffiths, sends Tolkien references to a manuscript he had asked her to prepare on the Ancrene...
Autumn 1935
A.H. Smith (Early English Text Society) to J.R.R. Tolkien
During the autumn of 1935, the Early English Text Society invited Tolkien to prepare an edition of the Ancrene Riwle (MS CCCC402). Tolkien will reply th...
Autumn 1935
J.R.R. Tolkien to Early English Text Society
Tolkien will reply to A.H. Smith's letter on behalf of the Early English Text Society's invitation to prepare an edition of the Ancrene Riwle. He is kee...
Late December 1935
Mabel Day (Early English Text Society) to J.R.R. Tolkien
Mabel Day, Secretary of the Early English Text Society, writes Tolkien a letter asking that he confirm his interest in the Ancrene Riwle in writing as r...
5 January 1936
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mabel Day (Early English Text Society)
Tolkien writes to Mabel Day of the EETS, firstly apologising for his delayed reply which had been requested by the end of 1935. He explains that his ass...
14 January 1936
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mabel Day (Early English Text Society)
Tolkien writes to Mabel Day, of the EETS. He has not been able to type the specimen pages that he had promised so includes manuscript transcriptions wit...
15 January 1936
Mabel Day (Early English Text Society) to J.R.R. Tolkien
Mabel Day replies to Tolkien's two letters from January, . She notes that she has sent the first to A.W. Pollard, and explains some of the policies of t...
15 January 1936
A.W. Pollard (Early English Text Society) to J.R.R. Tolkien
A.W. Pollard replies to Tolkien's letter, which Mabel Day had forwarded to him. He explains to Tolkien that while he sees advantages to reproducing the ...
16 January 1936
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mabel Day (Early English Text Society)
Replying to Mabel Day of the EETS, Tolkien thanks her for answering his questions about the EETS' policies on texts and arguing for his view that they s...
?16 January 1936
J.R.R. Tolkien to A.W. Pollard (Early English Text Society)
Tolkien writes to A.W. Pollard of the EETS on or shortly after this date. Wayne Hammond and Christina Scull note that two versions of this letter exist,...
27 January 1936
A.W. Pollard (Early English Text Society) to J.R.R. Tolkien
A.W. Pollard writes to Tolkien to inform him that Robin Flower has been asked to head up the Ancrene Riwle editions at the EETS and that Tolkien's speci...
1 March 1936
Mabel Day (Early English Text Society) to J.R.R. Tolkien
Mabel Day sends Tolkien some possible corrections and ammendations for his A Middle English Vocabulary. She notes that she believes that Tolkien and Rob...
2 June 1937
Mabel Day (Early English Text Society) to J.R.R. Tolkien
On 2 June, Mabel Day had reported to the Early English Text Society that their edition of the Ancrene Riwle had met on 27 May. They recommended that the...
6 August 1937
Mabel Day to J.R.R. Tolkien
Having not heard from Tolkien since her last letter, Mabel Day writes again. She notes that most members agree with him, but that senior member A. W. Po...
28 August 1937
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mabel Day (Early English Text Society)
Tolkien replies to Mabel Day's letter of 6 August. He says that he hoped to have completed work on her request by now but notes that the death of the li...
30 August 1937
Mabel Day (Early English Text Society) to J.R.R. Tolkien
Mabel Day replies to Tolkien's letter. She will ask Cambridge for permission to use their manuscript. She notes that A. W. Pollard claims to have not re...
26 February 1938
Mabel Day (Early English Text Society) to J.R.R. Tolkien
Mabel Day writes to Tolkien, reminding him that 6 months have past since he was asked to provide specimens for the Ancrene Riwle.
12 August 1938
John Johnson to J.R.R. Tolkien
As requested by Mabel Day, John Johnson sends Tolkien specimen pages of the Early English Text Societies edition of the Corpus Christi College MS of Anc...
11 January 1939
J.R.R. Tolkien to Simonne d'Ardenne
This letter is quoted in D'Ardenne's article 'Two Words in Ancrene Wisse and the Katherine Group' in Notes and Queries 227 (1982), p. 3 where Tolkien di...
29 August 1952
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Carpenter #134
Tolkien expresses his eagerness to publish The Lord of the Rings as soon as possible. Tolkien plans to spend some days correcting the manuscript at his ...
18 June 1953
Kenneth Sisam to Dan Davin
Writing to Dan Davin, Sisam describes Tolkien as "a rogue." He bemoans Tolkien's delays on a number of titles, remarking that Tolkien "has had Middle En...
19 May 1959
J.R.R. Tolkien to Dr. Zettersten
Tolkien confirms that Ancrene Wisse is at the press and should be available soon but this all depends on how quickly he can get the proofs back to them....
4 August 1959
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Carpenter #215a
Tolkien tells Rayner that he would like his translation of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight to be published next and details his work on Ancrene Wisse. H...
12 February 1960
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Carpenter #222b
Tolkien tells Rayner that he is getting to his work on the translations of Sir Gawain and Pearl, in addition to The Silmarillion, however the arrival of...
31 July 1960
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Carpenter #223
Tolkien's publishing commitments are catching up with him. Chronology reproduced a slightly longer selection of the letter than what appears in Letters....