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Guide to Tolkien's Letters


G.B. Smith

(52 letters match)


?14 May 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

Writing to Tolkien, G.B. Smith confirms he is now with the 19th Battalion of the Lancashire Fusiliers. They are stationed at the grand Hotel, Penmeanmaw...
Likely 29 May or 5 June, 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

Writing to Tolkien, G.B. Smith says he has been reading the book (a Welsh grammar) Tolkien sent after Smith requested it in his letter of 14 May (#TCGLe...
?10 June 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

Tolkien had asked G.B. Smith about being posted with Smith to his regiment and Smith replies saying that he should contact Colonel Stainforth of the 19t...
11 June 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

Replying to a letter from Tolkien (at this time I have no date for that letter but it is almost certainly to congratulate Tolkien that both of them had ...
?20 June 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

Smith writes to Tolkien offering him advice on the equipment he will need for camp. A large portion of the letter is available to read in The J.R.R. Tol...
28 June 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

Smith informs Tolkien that Colonel Stainforth has offered him a place, he asks Tolkien to write to the Colonel. He again says he will try to get Tolkien...
4 July 1915
J.R.R. Tolkien to G.B. Smith

G.B. Smith sends his congratulations to Tolkien while he is in Warwick for ‘one of the highest distinctions an Englishman can obtain’.
9 July 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

G.B. Smith writing to Tolkien while he was visiting his Aunt Mabel at Abbotsford, Moseley, Birmingham suggesting, again, that he ask Stainforth what he ...
18 July 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

Smith had not heard from Tolkien so he writes to cheer him up. He thinks Tolkien will be safer in the 13th rather than the 19th with him.
?23 July 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

Likely in reply to a letter from Tolkien (currently unknown), Smith says that Tolkien can still try to be transferred once his training is completed. He...
2 December 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

G.B. Smith, who is in the trenches in France, writes to Tolkien asking for the long letter Tolkien promised in his last postcard to Smith.


February 3, 1916
Geoffrey B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

G.B. Smith writes to Tolkien at Brocton Camp, thanking him for the letter he wrote to him. Wayne Hammond and Christina Scull note that "Tolkien probably...
4 March 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

G.B. Smith sends Tolkien a part of his poem 'The Burial of Sophocles'.
5 March 1916 (postmark)
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

G.B. Smith sends Tolkien the second part of his long poem 'The Burial of Sophocles' after he sent a portion earlier that month. He asked that Tolkien po...
6 April 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

G.B. Smith writes to Tolkien at Brocton Camp. He says it is a long time since he has heard from Tolkien. He also mentions, but cannot yet comment on a l...
23 May 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

While at Brocton Camp, Tolkien receives a telegram from Smith who is at West Bromwich and on leave until 29 May. He wonders if they could meet.
24 May 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

Smith, in another telegram says that he will come to Great Haywood for Saturday afternoon and stay the night.
26 May 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

Smith sends Tolkien another telegram care of Edith's landlady, Mrs. Kendrick, to inform him of his time of arrival via train.
?End of May 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

Smith writes to thank Tolkien for hosting him, describing it as a "splendid two days". This letter is held at the 'Tolkien Papers, Bodleian Library, Oxf...
?18 (possibly 11) June 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

Smith writes to Tolkien on his return to France, "attached 11th Lancashire Fusiliers, 25th I.B.D., 25 A.P.O. (S) 17, B.E.F." to say that he is sorry Tol...
25 June 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

G.B. Smith writes, wishing Tokien well "in all that may happen to you within the next few months, and may we live beyond them to a better time". This le...
12 July 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

Smith sends Tolkien a 'field postcard' noting that he is "quite well".
11 August 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

Smith thanks Tolkien for his letter, he thinks that "there are still a great many sober men and true..." This letter is among the 'Tolkien Papers, Bodle...
15 August 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

Smith writes to Tolkien having not received Tolkien's letter of 12-13 August . he has been unable to sleep for thinking about Rob. He remarks that maybe...
19–22 August 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

Smith having received Tolkien's letter of 12-13 August replies disagreeing with Tolkien's notion that the T.C.B.S. has ended with Gilson's death. He als...
30 August 1916
Christopher Wiseman to G.B. Smith

Wiseman writes to G.B. Smith saying that he has been reading correspondence between the group from 1914. He describes it as his "TCBSian" archive. He wi...
c. September 1916
J.R.R. Tolkien to G.B. Smith

Tolkien writes to Smith, apparently letting off steam about friction with other people. It is assumed that he is talking about Christopher Wiseman.
10 September 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

G.B. Smith writes asking Tolkien to send him a field postcard. He notes that he has not heard from Christopher Wiseman but has had a letter from R.W. Re...
16 September 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

Smith writes to Tolkien, he encloses a letter from Christopher Wiseman. Wiseman had sent to Smith, the letters written by him and Tolkien during the win...
3 October 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

Smith writes to Tolkien pointing out that he has not heard from him in quite some time.
C. November 1916
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mrs. Smith

Tolkien writes to Mrs. Smith, G.B. Smith's mother. She replies, thanking him and says she will forward the letter to her son.
13 November 1916
Mrs. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

G.B. Smith's mother replies to Tolkien's letter giving her news. She will pass this letter on to her son.
16 November 1916
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien

Wiseman who is currently serving on HMS Superb replies to Tolkien's letter, he wishes he could visit but leave for Naval personel is strictly limited an...
16 December 1916 (postmarked 18 December)
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien

Christopher Wiseman writes to Tolkien, G.B. Smith has died. Smith was injured by shrapnel on 29 November. He wrote to his mother saying that his wounds ...
16 December 1916
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mrs. Smith

After reading the news from Christopher Wiseman that their friend G.B. Smith has died, Tolkien immediately writes to Smith's mother to offer his condole...
22 December 1916
Mrs. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

G.B. Smith's mother writes to Tolkien giving some details of Geoffrey's final days. She asks Tolkien if he could send to her copies of her son's poems a...
c. 23-24 December 1916
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mrs. Smith

Tolkien replies to G.B. Smiths mother enclosing copies of G.B. Smith's verse.
26 December 1916
Mrs. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

G.B. Smith's mother replies to Tolkien thanking him for the poems of her son's. She tells Tolkien to keep the originals.
28 December 1916
R.W. Reynolds to J.R.R. Tolkien

Reynolds replies to Tolkien's letter, he notes that he has had a letter from Smith's mother too in which she says her son had wished for his poetry to b...


18 January 1917
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien

Wiseman apologizes for his not writing sooner, he says that he had been trying, and this was the fifth attempt. He remarks that he is happy that Tolkien...
21 January 1917
Mrs. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

G.B. Smith's mother writes to Tolkien thanking him, and Reynolds for their help in the matter of her son's poetry. Tolkien is currently staying at his A...
Beginning of March 1917
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mrs. Smith

Tolkien has learned of the death of G.B. Smith's brother and writes to their mother, assumed to be his offering of sympathy. Smith's brother died on 25 ...
4 and 9 March 1917
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien

Wiseman writes to Tolkien in reply to an earlier letter from Tolkien, in which Tolkien had replied about the "epic" Wiseman suggests he start on. Wisema...
6 March 1917
Mrs. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien

Smith’s mother replies to Tolkien's letter of sympathy to thank him.
15 April 1917 (postmark)
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien

Wiseman writes a follow-up letter to his telegram , he is on leave and will visit Tolkien and Edith on 18 April. Tolkien had replied with a telegram say...
19 May 1917
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien

Writing to Tolkien, Wiseman returns the manuscripts of G.B. Smith's verse noting that does not think the book should be "Opera Omnia", suggesting it sho...
?Late June-early July 1917
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien

Christopher Wiseman returns G.B. Smith's poems to Tolkien and notes a suggested order for them. He again suggests that only the best of his verse be inc...
10 October 1917 (written 1 September, 7 and 10 October, 1917)
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien

Tolkien had written to Wiseman after hearing of the death of his mother. Wiseman congratulates Tolkien on the news that he and Edith are expecting a chi...
19 November 1917
R.W. Reynolds to J.R.R. Tolkien

Reynolds writes to Tolkien offering congratulations on the birth of his and Edith's first child. He thanks Tolkien for a parcel, and for including his p...
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