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By Lokki
Home away from home

Buying new items

24 Apr, 2018
2018-4-24 6:52:25 PM UTC

Hi everyone,

I am expanding my family's Tolkien collection and would like to buy some new items for our Tolkien library.

Currently we are mostly interested in Tolkien academic work, LOTR first UK editions, uncorrected proofs, older Tolkien fanzines ( I Palantir for instance) etc.

Tolkien languages are also very important area of interest for us so anything language related is welcome.

Most of our items are printed prior to 1973 so we are usually looking for older items.

If you have anything interesting you would like to sell PM me or post it here and hopefully we can make a deal.

Thank you!

25 Apr, 2018
2018-4-25 4:56:44 PM UTC
I may have a few 60's fanzine duplicates, I will take a deeper look and get back to you. Good luck on your quest!
25 Apr, 2018
2018-4-25 5:44:15 PM UTC
Thank you very much! Much appreciated!
I like the term you used very much- ''quest''.
it really is a family quest for a long time.

Best wishes,

11 May, 2018
2018-5-11 4:06:58 PM UTC
Silmarillion proof copy has arrived

2001_5af5bef7486bc.jpg 2448X2448 px

2001_5af5bf05b6bd6.jpg 2448X2448 px

2001_5af5c03c9809f.jpg 1402X1730 px
11 May, 2018
2018-5-11 4:47:47 PM UTC
Very nice!
11 May, 2018
2018-5-11 6:56:18 PM UTC
Thanks Jeremy It is in a really good condition also.
A few small marks on the front, everything else is pristine.
11 May, 2018
2018-5-11 11:03:11 PM UTC
Nice! Shoulda bought it when the price dropped to $211 (which was a bit odd -- the BIN price varied up and down quite a bit before it got the first bid). I almost pulled the trigger at that price, but shipping was US only, so i would have had to forward.
11 May, 2018
2018-5-11 11:15:55 PM UTC
Heh, me too (almost hit BIN when it went to $211) - with all the movement, I was waiting to see if it went sub $200... ah well.
12 May, 2018
2018-5-12 5:51:37 AM UTC
Yeah, i saw the auction after the BIN was removed unfortunately.
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