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Guide to Tolkien's Letters
Winner of the 2019 Tolkien Society award for Best Website

30 Apr, 2013
2013-4-30 7:26:11 PM UTC

Morgan wrote:
Concerning the framed letter: I was quickly glancing at newly listed Tolkien items at eBay and saw this sale. After just reading the title, checking the seller's feedback and quickly looking at the photos, I instantly proceeded to make a purchase, suspecting everybody here would soon be trying to get their hands on a rare gem (and that each second therefore was of vital importance). My heart was beating fast (hoping for a lucky find), while something in the back of my head was poking "go back and carefully read the auction details", which to my later great horror said "note: this is a reprint" and that 4 copies were available. Luckily (and kindly) the seller just now refunded my money -- although I would in any case have sent the item back.

And yes, Trotter, this is certainly a case of trying to make money out of Tolkien which would require the Estate's permission (and I doubt they would give permission for something like this).

Probably not going to be a rare gem for "US $69.00 Approximately £44.53" and one sold (or probably not).

Obviously I also looked at buying this gem before everybody else on the board, but decided against it
30 Apr, 2013
2013-4-30 9:12:32 PM UTC
It's not a reprint - how do you 'reprint' a hand-written letter? It's a bleedin' printout off the net!
30 Apr, 2013
2013-4-30 11:57:11 PM UTC

Trotter wrote:

garm wrote:
It's ba-ack! ... h=item232a66a47d#viTabs_0

I think this one will be hanging about for decades, until or if they find a complete idiot to buy it.

Or until the price drops down to a level most suited to a generic fairly ugly fireplace...
1 May, 2013 (edited)
2013-5-1 12:59:51 PM UTC ... ks_UK&hash=item589f89815f

A worn second edition of FotR in a first edition facsimile dj plus a photocopied last will of Tolkien for only £ 175.........I suggest the facsimile dj is the most "valuable" here.

And here is another one...... ... ks_UK&hash=item589e656036
6 May, 2013
2013-5-6 8:46:47 PM UTC
10 May, 2013
2013-5-10 6:24:38 AM UTC
12 May, 2013
2013-5-12 9:35:47 PM UTC

This site uses affiliate links for which we may be compensated
Seller: bill_bombadil
Ended May 22, 2013
This item ended more than 90 days ago
(Starting bid: £300)

Not sure I'd even pay £30 for it...


13 May, 2013
2013-5-13 1:03:00 AM UTC

Khamûl wrote:

This site uses affiliate links for which we may be compensated
Seller: bill_bombadil
Ended May 22, 2013
This item ended more than 90 days ago
(Starting bid: £300)

Not sure I'd even pay £30 for it...


Looks pretty grotty for 30 quid...
13 May, 2013
2013-5-13 6:47:05 PM UTC
13 May, 2013 (edited)
2013-5-13 8:02:41 PM UTC
You know, we laugh at the funny Buy-it-now auctions; but they're only funny because sellers are asking for such high prices. They undoubtedly don't actually sell...

But when open auctions climb to £100+ for ten-a-penny book club editions --then you really do have to wonder...

J R R Tolkien - The Silmarillion - Vintage Retro Edition - Fine Scarce

Winning bid: £102!!


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