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1979 Tolkien Enterprises Chess Set

25 Nov, 2009
2009-11-25 8:24:09 PM UTC

My granddad found this chess set in an abandoned house a while back and I was curious about its worth. I haven't been able to find anything about it on the internet. The kings are a good 5" tall, all pieces still have red felt on the bottom, and there is no board. Anybody know what it might go for?

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25 Nov, 2009
2009-11-25 9:45:41 PM UTC
You and your grandad know that taking things from abandoned houses iis illegal, don't you?
26 Nov, 2009
2009-11-26 2:20:46 AM UTC
Well it was in 80-something and I think his job was to clean out the house to be demolished or something. He wasn't just going snooping in random houses. That really is beside the point anyway
4 Jun, 2011
2011-6-4 12:30:02 PM UTC
Hi I'm new to this but found this item on 4th June 2011, and wondered if anyone ever did value it? I have a chess set too and want to sell but have no idea of value.
4 Jun, 2011
2011-6-4 1:27:28 PM UTC
There is a Tolkien Enterprises Chess Set on eBay at the moment (starting bid £75), if you watch the auction you may get an idea of current value.

This site uses affiliate links for which we may be compensated
Seller: mrmorphosis
Ended Jun 14, 2011
This item ended more than 90 days ago

4 Jun, 2011
2011-6-4 4:49:10 PM UTC
Hi , thanks for that I will be watching!
24 Jun, 2011
2011-6-24 10:27:05 PM UTC
Just curious if you still have this chess set?
31 Dec, 2012 (edited)
2012-12-31 3:18:11 AM UTC
^__^ Hi, I have the exact same set as you, and was wondering if you ever found out the value? Mine's been in my family for so long we don't even know how it came to be!!! Not that I want to part with it quite yet unless there's a proper offer one set A LOT like this one also made in 1979 is going for 2,000+ USD!!!
This site uses affiliate links for which we may be compensated
Seller: partworkscollectables
Ended Sep 6, 2013
This item ended more than 90 days ago
so I am hoping that this one is worth the same if not more!!! Here is a pic of mine!!!

Tolkein 1979 Chess Set
^ Click To Enlarge!!!^
A piece is not shown in the picture but it is not lost!!! I believe it's a castle! ^__^

Love is the slowest form of suicide......

9 Sep, 2013
2013-9-9 5:07:35 AM UTC
I have the 1979 Tolkien Enterprise Chess set as well with all of the pieces and its board but mine has legs on the chess board.

I found a few pictures out there with chess boards like this without the legs but never with so I thought I'd share the knowledge.

(Not for sale) :p

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9 Sep, 2013
2013-9-9 5:22:51 PM UTC
That's a nice looking chess table! Out of curiosity (because I have never seen one of these before) - is there any indication on the board itself that it belongs with the set? The carved motif does not have any Tolkien specifics to it that I can see in the photo.
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