An additional picture of the binding on the Peter Harrington site, a lovely binding

onthetrail wrote:
Some very interesting listings. ... n-BrowseAlsoViewed-012417 ... n-BrowseAlsoViewed-012417 ... leryView-Thumbnail-071515
The text "Concerning...The Hoard" is worth reading for it's probably the last version ever written by Tolkien about the events that to led to Thingol's death and the theft of the Silmaril by the Dwarves, version that is really different from the old ones (back to the 1930s Quenta and Sketch). It's the only version that explains how the whole hoard of Nargothrond was bring to Thingol with the help of the outlaws (probably in conjunction with the Wanderings of Hurin), and how Thingol get the dragon-sickness and provoked the Dwarves. Also, it's the only version that talks about a double throne for Melian and him, as the first cause of Thingol's refusal to pay the Dwarves.