felipesallescaricati wrote:
PT-BR: Trotter, eu farei isso. Eu acabei de enviar algumas fotos da edição brasileira de "A Queda de Númenor" (https://www.tolkienguide.com/modules/n ... id=44901#forumpost44901). Sobre qual calendário você está se referindo?
EN (translated by google translate): Trotter, I'll do it. I just sent some photos from the Brazilian edition of "The Fall of Númenor" (https://www.tolkienguide.com/modules/n ... id=44901#forumpost44901). Which calendar are you referring to?
The Calendar on this site, https://www.tolkienguide.com/calendar/
Just a thought I had in terms of welcoming new members - it might be nice to get a nudge (in the activation key e-mail) to this thread, and also to the Introduce Yourself one. I found the latter by chance but it prompted me to share, when I might not have otherwise.
I understand of course that there's a fine balance in terms of not making people feel pressured!
I understand of course that there's a fine balance in terms of not making people feel pressured!
A clear day today, so just took some pictures of (most of) my current collection and figured it probably doesn’t hurt to share them here. I always love seeing pictures of other people’s collections myself! *hint, hint*

Wondeful collection. I also have to doff my cap as you have Jeff Buckley Grace EPs in your music collection

onthetrail wrote:
Wondeful collection. I also have to doff my cap as you have Jeff Buckley Grace EPs in your music collection![]()
Well spotted, love those EPs!
Trotter wrote:
Your Road to Middle-Earth looks like mine 😭
Haha, a terribly discoloured spine. I wonder if anyone on here has a copy of the first GA&U edition with less fading?
Nice shelfies! I am jealous of more than a few things, there.
Questions I always like to ask when shelfies have small things hiding on them:
A lovely collection.
Questions I always like to ask when shelfies have small things hiding on them:
- small pamphlet to the left of the Hobbit Facsimile boxed set?
- small booklet to the left of Essays Presented to Charles Williams? (nice having the jacket there, by the way!)
- small pamphlet between the HotH boxed set and the slipcased Tales of the Perilous Realm?
- booklet to the right of Arda volumes?
- booklet to the left of The Great Tales Never End?
- there's something hiding to the left of The Art of the Hobbit?
A lovely collection.
Urulókë wrote:
Nice shelfies! I am jealous of more than a few things, there.
Questions I always like to ask when shelfies have small things hiding on them:
- small pamphlet to the left of the Hobbit Facsimile boxed set?
- small booklet to the left of Essays Presented to Charles Williams? (nice having the jacket there, by the way!)
- small pamphlet between the HotH boxed set and the slipcased Tales of the Perilous Realm?
- booklet to the right of Arda volumes?
- booklet to the left of The Great Tales Never End?
- there's something hiding to the left of The Art of the Hobbit?
A lovely collection.
Thanks, Urulókë!
Those slim volumes you are asking about are:
- Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics (1960 reprint)
- The Welsh Review vol. IV no. 4 (1945)
- The Addendum to the revised edition of The History of the Hobbit (privately printed
- Leaves from the Tree: J.R.R. Tolkien's Shorter Fiction (1991)
- Tolkien at Exeter College (2017 reprint)
- The Invented Worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien (2004)