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The Hobbit 1954 (US) - Fore and Water?

26 Mar, 2015
2015-3-26 7:48:02 AM UTC

Dear friends,
Long ago, I bought an American edition of The Hobbit. The book does not mention the date, but it was printed in England by "Unwin Brothers" and should be a copy of 1954.
The strange thing, is that I have found a mistake in the index: "Fore and Water" instead of "Fire and Water".
The title of the chapter, however, is written correctly.

Do you know of this same error in other editions?


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26 Mar, 2015
2015-3-26 9:01:40 AM UTC
This is mentioned on page 22 of J.R.R. Tolkien A Descriptive Bibliography by Wayne G. Hammond assisted by Douglas A. Anderson

It first occurred in the UK 5th Impression (1951) and was fixed in the UK 7th Impression (1955). As the US editions are bound from UK copies they have the same faults.
26 Mar, 2015
2015-3-26 10:03:53 AM UTC
Thank you so much!

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