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23 Nov, 2017
2017-11-23 4:52:59 PM UTC
Big no.
23 Nov, 2017
2017-11-23 5:04:59 PM UTC
I don't think many long term book fans will be keen on this news. It has the potential to be really damaging to the credibility of Tolkien's writings and I think the Estate have made a massive mistake. Granted they have made a shed load of money but with their reported happiness at this it seems this series will receive some collaboration or at least blessing and will by the masses be thought of as 'canon' in that light.

It is likely I will not watch this series.
23 Nov, 2017
2017-11-23 5:38:44 PM UTC
I'm cautiously looking forward to it, for the following reasons:

- I am a voracious reader, but I also really do enjoy well done TV and movies
- I found much to enjoy with the Fellowship of the Ring adaptation from PJ, and it did not lessen my enjoyment of the books at all
- a different viewpoint will lessen the "canon" of the PJ movies
- and, given that everyone will find some or much to dislike about this edition, the same will happen with this one when the next licensee has a shot at it
- the estate deserves a chance to have a hand in creating something, after all these years of watching other people take a shot at it and being powerless

Overall, I would love to see a really well done video production based on Tolkien's work - something that feels appropriate, follows the text well while adapting to new media. Eventually, someone will get it right.
23 Nov, 2017
2017-11-23 5:54:00 PM UTC
I seriously doubt the estate is going to "create" anything here. Who on the estate would now do that with any authority now that Christopher has gone? The only influence they're likely to exercise is whatever vetoes are in the agreement they've signed i.e. the series can't cover [insert Middle-earth no-no here].

23 Nov, 2017
2017-11-23 6:14:58 PM UTC
If that's all the estate wanted in this agreement, then more power to them. I would imagine they will have negotiated for executive producer rights or something similar, but we won't know until the show comes out. In any event, they have (or had and sold) creative input now that they have never had before.
23 Nov, 2017
2017-11-23 6:18:01 PM UTC
Who are you talking about though? Look who currently makes up the Tolkien Estate. It's not that clear what creative influence they'd want to exert here.

23 Nov, 2017
2017-11-23 6:42:22 PM UTC
Whomever they want. Perhaps they'll put Royd on it as a creative consultant (he seems excited about the project, and hinting online that he's been involved at some level - perhaps just familial awareness of the negotiations though). It doesn't have to be a single person, or someone on the director list - it could be David Brawn, or hire someone external like Janet Croft, or... who knows? Its up to them if and who.
23 Nov, 2017
2017-11-23 8:26:24 PM UTC
''Are you guys happy with the production of new TV series based on LOTR?''

23 Nov, 2017
2017-11-23 8:55:43 PM UTC

''Are you guys happy with the production of new TV series based on LOTR?''

I doubt it will be something I would be interested in watching, but part of me doesn't care that much. I think I will be more bothered when it inevitably becomes the Tolkien Extended Universe and there are piles and piles of trash books published. It isn't like the estate hasn't set a precedent for "J.R.R Tolkien" books being published long after his death, often with a lot less of J.R.Rs words than commentary. And let's be honest, Beren and Luthien was already nothing more than a cash grab.
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