27 Sep, 2021
(edited)Edited by Urulókë on 2021-10-16 6:13:53 PM UTC
2021-9-27 10:00:45 PM UTC
Penciling this in for us to gather and chat live once again, hoping this date works for most. We have been doing Saturday mid-day (USA), UK/Europe evening, and then morning for the Asia/Australia/NZ people the next day for prior gatherings.
27 Sep, 2021
2021-9-27 10:49:54 PM UTC
I’ll be there. I may even speak more this time, ha ha. It’s always good to see people’s collections even if I don’t join in much. Thanks for doing this again.
27 Sep, 2021
2021-9-27 11:38:50 PM UTC
Count me in

28 Sep, 2021
2021-9-28 12:10:58 AM UTC
For once I should try to make one of these gatherings so I will do my best to come along. I don't have anything interesting to share but still, be great to put faces to the names.
28 Sep, 2021
2021-9-28 7:53:45 AM UTC
I'll try to join as well and maybe to speak a bit...
28 Sep, 2021
2021-9-28 8:56:20 PM UTC
16 Oct, 2021
2021-10-16 8:08:27 PM UTC
Great! No objectiones here. I will certainly try to make it.
16 Oct, 2021
2021-10-16 8:12:43 PM UTC
16 Oct, 2021
2021-10-16 10:08:03 PM UTC
Well now I can't come as I have an event with the Houston Tolkien Society next weekend.
Y'all have fun!