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Tolkien Reading Day 2022 - a TolkienGuide celebration

10 Feb, 2022 (edited)
2022-2-10 12:46:14 AM UTC

Suddenly Faramir stirred, and he opened his eyes, and he looked on Aragorn who bent over him; and a light of knowledge and love was kindled in his eyes, and he spoke softly. 'My lord, you called me, I come. What does the king command?'

tolkien reading day-web.jpg

Art by Norloth, used with permission

Every year on March 25th, Tolkien fans around the world celebrate Tolkien Reading Day - chosen by the Tolkien Society to celebrate the day that the One Ring was destroyed. This year the theme for Tolkien Reading Day is "Love and Friendship". Here at TolkienGuide we will be gathering for a few hours of fun discussion of our favorite stories and passages, some giveaways, and maybe even a few visits from some special guests! The rights holders have kindly requested that we not livestream any copyrighted materials this time, so there will not be any Tolkien readings during our event, but it will still be a lot of fun. As like the prior two events, the live streaming event will primarily take place on Discord. If you just want to listen, the live stream will be available on YouTube and will stay up for later listening as well.

Previous guests have included notable scholars, media personalities and a plethora of fans. You can see full details of those events here: Tolkien Reading Day 2020 and Tolkien Reading Day 2021.

Guests for 2022, in alphabetical order
  • Marcel Aubron-Bülles - The Tolkienist and co-host on SmallTolk Podcast
  • Emily Austin - Artist
  • Chad Bornholdt - Co-host on The Texas Tolkien Talk Podcast
  • Clifford "Quickbeam" Broadway -'s "TORnTuesdays" co-host
  • Dr. Sara Brown - Faculty Chair for the Lang & Lit M.A. Program at Signum University, co-host of The Tolkien Experience Podcast
  • Elise Trudel Cedeño - Educator and Fantasy Literature Scholar
  • Jenny Dolfen - Artist
  • Anke Eissmann - Artist
  • Robert Foster - Author of The Guide to Middle-earth and The Complete Guide to Middle-earth
  • Donato Giancola - Artist
  • Matt Graf - The Nerd of the Rings on YouTube
  • Chad High - Co-host on The Texas Tolkien Talk Podcast (and TolkienGuide moderator)
  • Shawn E. Marchese - Co-host on The Prancing Pony Podcast
  • Ted Nasmith - Artist
  • Dick Plotz - Founder of the Tolkien Society of America (1965), corresponded with Tolkien (Letters #276 and more), interviewed Tolkien for Seventeen magazine (Jan 1967)
  • Jordan Rannells - Music of Middle-earth podcast, Prancing Pony Podcast audio editor, Audio for John Howe's Ultimate Fantasy Art Academy audiobook, forthcoming Kickstarter for "A Long Expected Soundscape"
  • Dr. Luke Shelton - Tolkien Scholar, founder of The Tolkien Experience Project & Podcast, Editor of the Tolkien Society peer reviewed journal Mallorn
  • Alan Sisto - Co-host on The Prancing Pony Podcast
  • James Tauber - The Digital Tolkien Project
  • Sarah Westvik - Tolkien scholar, co-host of The Tolkien Experience Podcast


The event was livestreamed on YouTube, and recorded there for later viewing for those that miss the event. Here is a link for the event on YouTube

Maybe subscribe to the TolkienGuide channel while you are at it! (I know it has been quiet so far, but we have big things planned this year... starting with Tolkien Reading Day!)

00:00 - start of the livestream
05:13 - Artists Panel - Jenny Dolfen, Emily Austin, Anke Eissmann, Donato Giancola, Ted Nasmith
1:05:00 - The Tolkien Experience Podcast - Dr. Luke Shelton, Dr. Sara Brown, Sarah Westvik
1:36:45 - More Podcasting - Shawn Marchese and Alan Sisto (The Prancing Pony Podcast), Marcel Aubron-Bülles (SmallTolk Podcast), Chad Bornholdt and Chad High (The Texas Tolkien Talk Podcast)
2:04:00 - Digital Humanities and Education - Elise Trudel Cedeño and James Tauber
2:37:30 - Video and Media - Matt Graf (Nerd of the Rings) - Note that Clifford "Quickbeam" Broadway ( was unavoidably delayed and appears later in the event instead
3:10:00 - Guides to Middle-earth - Dick Plotz (Founder of the Tolkien Society of America, 1965) and Robert "Bob" Foster (author of The Guide to Middle-earth and The Complete Guide to Middle-earth)
3:36:50 - Audio and Audiobooks - Jordan Rannells
4:16:20 - Open Mic! Joined by Clifford Broadway (, Pieter Collier (The Tolkien Library) and many more

PDT (-7)MDT (-6)CDT (-5)EDT (-4)GMTCET (+1)JST (+9)NZDT (+13)TopicGuest(s)
11:00 AM12:00 PM1:00 PM2:00 PM6:00 PM7:00 PM3:00 AM7:00 AMArtists of Middle-earthDonato Giancola, Ted Nasmith, Jenny Dolfen, Emily Austin, Anke Eissmann
11:30 AM12:30 PM1:30 PM2:30 PM6:30 PM7:30 PM3:30 AM7:30 AM
12:00 PM1:00 PM2:00 PM3:00 PM7:00 PM8:00 PM4:00 AM8:00 AMTolkien Experience PodcastDr. Luke Shelton, Dr. Sara Brown, Sarah Westvik
12:30 PM1:30 PM2:30 PM3:30 PM7:30 PM8:30 PM4:30 AM8:30 AMPodcastingShawn Marchese and Alan Sisto (Prancing Pony Podcast), Marcel Aubron-Bülles (SmallTolk Podcast), Chad High (Texas Tolkien Talk Podcast), Chad Bornholdt (Texas Tolkien Talk Podcast)
1:00 PM2:00 PM3:00 PM4:00 PM8:00 PM9:00 PM5:00 AM9:00 AMDigital Humanities and EducationJames Tauber and Elise Trudel Cedeño
1:30 PM2:30 PM3:30 PM4:30 PM8:30 PM9:30 PM5:30 AM9:30 AMVideo and MediaClifford "Quickbeam" Broadway (, Matt Graf (Nerd of the Rings)
2:00 PM3:00 PM4:00 PM5:00 PM9:00 PM10:00 PM6:00 AM10:00 AMGuides to Middle-earthRobert Foster and Dick Plotz
2:30 PM3:30 PM4:30 PM5:30 PM9:30 PM10:30 PM6:30 AM10:30 AMAudio and AudiobooksJordan Rannells
3:00 PM4:00 PM5:00 PM6:00 PM10:00 PM11:00 PM7:00 AM11:00 AMFans, Open Mic, GiveawaysYour hosts and you!
3:30 PM4:30 PM5:30 PM6:30 PM10:30 PM11:30 PM7:30 AM11:30 AM

The community chat was primarily on Discord - where you could submit questions for the various guests, and hang out and generally chat and enjoy the day.
10 Feb, 2022
2022-2-10 10:18:32 AM UTC
Yay, party people!

Looking forward to this!
18 Feb, 2022
2022-2-18 10:16:40 PM UTC
What a lovely book I just received from Mariner Books (formerly Houghton Mifflin, now the US side of HarperCollins)!

I will be giving away this book (and just the book, not the other doodads!) to a listener for the Tolkien Reading Day 2022 live streaming event. Stay tuned for more news and updates in the coming weeks.

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19 Feb, 2022
2022-2-19 4:12:20 AM UTC
I would like the doodads
21 Mar, 2022
2022-3-21 9:05:53 PM UTC
The planned schedule has been added to the original post above!

It is going to be an exciting day of chatting with fans from around the world, and talking more about how they share their love of Tolkien through various ways, and talk about the friends we have made and continue to make through Tolkien.

I'll be adding some brief biography info and links later today, but I wanted to get this schedule out there.
22 Mar, 2022
2022-3-22 8:55:13 PM UTC
So, long story short, Bob Foster reached out to me yesterday and said he had an old friend who might be interested in joining as well, and, well, here we are! Dick Plotz will be popping in to chat with Bob and the rest of us. ?

Dick was the founder of the Tolkien Society of America (1965), corresponded with J.R.R. Tolkien (e.g. Letters #276 but also others), and even interviewed Tolkien himself for an article in Seventeen magazine (January 1967 issue). The letters from Tolkien were one of Bob's inspirations for gathering the Guide entries on index cards all those years ago...
22 Mar, 2022
2022-3-22 9:10:41 PM UTC
What a pleasant surprse! I very much look forward to hearing Bob Foster and Dick Plotz!
22 Mar, 2022
2022-3-22 9:55:33 PM UTC
Hope I can join in...
22 Mar, 2022
2022-3-22 9:59:34 PM UTC

Beren wrote:

Hope I can join in...

Would love to see you there Beren
23 Mar, 2022
2022-3-23 2:31:41 AM UTC
The event will be livestreamed on YouTube, and recorded there for later viewing for those that miss the event. Here is a link for the livestream event on YouTube - you can set a reminder there, and maybe subscribe to the TolkienGuide channel while you are at it! (I know it has been quiet so far, but we have big things planned this year... starting with Tolkien Reading Day!)
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