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23 Jun, 2022
2022-6-23 3:35:51 AM UTC
The deluxe will be the 19th book in this format (counting HoME as 3) in 19 years. Can't say I expected the series to run this long, not that I'm complaining.
23 Jun, 2022
2022-6-23 4:17:07 AM UTC

Stu wrote:

Eorl the Young wrote:

Caudimordax wrote:

Eorl the Young wrote:

Well this is a surprise. ?

I’m excited for the new Alan Lee art. Also, as usual, I’m curious and excited about the motif they will use. The rust colour looks nice and different without being weird.

On the flip side, I wonder at the title - I feel like the DOWNFALL of Númenor might’ve been more apt. There’s an important nuance between FALL and DOWNFALL that they seem to have overlooked.

I agree! Considering this will likely be placed on the shelf next to "Fall of Gondolin", it's a little samey.

Indeed. And I think Tolkien too always (or perhaps most often?!) used “the downfall” whenever he referred to it.

I'd imagine the publisher just felt omitting a syllable made it a bit more catchy. Pretty sure Tolkien used both "fall" and "downfall".

Yes they probably shortened it for that reason. I personally find it lazy, and lacking in nuance, but whatever. ?
23 Jun, 2022
2022-6-23 6:28:02 AM UTC
It might just be the mock-up, but that standard edition is not depicting a jacketed hardback.
23 Jun, 2022
2022-6-23 11:15:33 AM UTC

Khamûl wrote:

It might just be the mock-up, but that standard edition is not depicting a jacketed hardback.

I saw that - I can't really see that as being anything other than an issue with the mockup template.
23 Jun, 2022
2022-6-23 2:13:54 PM UTC

Khamûl wrote:

It might just be the mock-up, but that standard edition is not depicting a jacketed hardback.
I'd be extremely shocked if this release wasn't a jacketed hardback since that's the norm for HarperCollins, especially for Tolkien releases.

In more so when you factor in the trend of HC's recent releases to have them all in the same style/formatting. A decision that seems to be positively received by most people from what I've seen/observed in different communities. Hard to think they'd break away from that for this one, considering it looks like Foster's Complete Guide to Middle-earth is going to be in that new style.

I'd second Stu's opinion of the wrong template as used in the mockup.
23 Jun, 2022
2022-6-23 6:56:23 PM UTC
Yes, that's my question too. Is this book basically a collection of new pictures plus published texts arranged together? Is there any reason for someone who likes to read Tolkien, but is on a budget and is not interested in fancy editions of what he or she already owns, to buy this book?

I have no objection to the book being published. For many thousands of reader who don't own Unfinished Tales and HoME it could be a great buy! I'll ask my university library to buy it. But so far I don't think it's something I need.
23 Jun, 2022 (edited)
2022-6-23 7:45:19 PM UTC

Eorl the Young wrote:

On the flip side, I wonder at the title - I feel like the DOWNFALL of Númenor might’ve been more apt. There’s an important nuance between FALL and DOWNFALL that they seem to have overlooked.

Tolkien entitled a work “The Fall of Númenor” — see HME V & IX. It seems like the scope of this publication is different, though. This “tells for the very first time in one volume the tale of the Second Age of Middle-earth” — does that mean Aldarion and Erendis? Tal-Elmar? Or is it essentially an interlacement of the 2nd Age material of The Silmarillion?

Now, in my dreams if he’s really “drawing together many of the threads from the tales of the Second Age into a single work,” this will weave in the most essential of all in my opinion, the Notion Club Papers. But based on “using ‘The Tale of Years’ in The Lord of the Rings as a starting point,” I doubt it.
23 Jun, 2022
2022-6-23 9:12:02 PM UTC

Ulmo wrote:

Eorl the Young wrote:

On the flip side, I wonder at the title - I feel like the DOWNFALL of Númenor might’ve been more apt. There’s an important nuance between FALL and DOWNFALL that they seem to have overlooked.

Tolkien entitled a work “The Fall of Númenor” — see HME V & IX. It seems like the scope of this publication is different, though. This “tells for the very first time in one volume the tale of the Second Age of Middle-earth” — does that mean Aldarion and Erendis? Tal-Elmar? Or is it essentially an interlacement of the 2nd Age material of The Silmarillion?

Now, in my dreams if he’s really “drawing together many of the threads from the tales of the Second Age into a single work,” this will weave in the most essential of all in my opinion, the Notion Club Papers. But based on “using ‘The Tale of Years’ in The Lord of the Rings as a starting point,” I doubt it.

I can't see the Notion Club Papers being used here - I just don't think it would fit well with what most Middle-earth fans would expect. It adds a layer that many would probably find quite distracting.
23 Jun, 2022
2022-6-23 9:53:41 PM UTC

Ulmo wrote:

Eorl the Young wrote:

On the flip side, I wonder at the title - I feel like the DOWNFALL of Númenor might’ve been more apt. There’s an important nuance between FALL and DOWNFALL that they seem to have overlooked.

Tolkien entitled a work “The Fall of Númenor” — see HME V & IX. It seems like the scope of this publication is different, though. This “tells for the very first time in one volume the tale of the Second Age of Middle-earth” — does that mean Aldarion and Erendis? Tal-Elmar? Or is it essentially an interlacement of the 2nd Age material of The Silmarillion?

So he did! Thanks for pointing that out. ?
24 Jun, 2022
2022-6-24 5:00:03 AM UTC
From Brian Sibley on Twitter when asked if it was just based on the chapter in The Silmarillion.

Which chapter? This edition draws on ‘Akallabeth’? ‘Of Rings of Power’ and material from ‘Peoples of ME’, ‘Sauron Defeated’, ‘Nature of ME’, ‘The Lost Road’, ‘Letters’, ‘LOTR’ etc
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