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11 Sep, 2022
2022-9-11 1:33:15 AM UTC

Witchking664 wrote:

Question for Trotter (or anyone else possessing this book):does your book’s ribbon marker seem shorter than normal?
My copy’s ribbon is so short that it doesn’t reach the bottom edge of the book block. Usually the ribbon is long enough to hang below the bottom edge an inch or more. Just wondering if mine is defective.

I just received mine today, and the ribbon marker does hang down about two inches below the page block. Sounds like yours was either trimmed short, or was glued a bit too far into the binding at the top.
11 Sep, 2022
2022-9-11 3:14:34 AM UTC

Urulókë wrote:

Witchking664 wrote:

Question for Trotter (or anyone else possessing this book):does your book’s ribbon marker seem shorter than normal?
My copy’s ribbon is so short that it doesn’t reach the bottom edge of the book block. Usually the ribbon is long enough to hang below the bottom edge an inch or more. Just wondering if mine is defective.

I just received mine today, and the ribbon marker does hang down about two inches below the page block. Sounds like yours was either trimmed short, or was glued a bit too far into the binding at the top.

Thanks for the response, Uruloke, I was afraid that was the case. Ah well, not troubling enough to attempt an international exchange.
11 Sep, 2022
2022-9-11 3:30:43 AM UTC
I’ll also add that I wish I’d ordered from Blackwell’s rather than Book Depository. Not that this type of defect is something BD should have noticed, but their packaging was pretty shoddy, just a flimsy wraparound mailer, so the upper spine sustained an impact crease in shipment.
I’ve ordered from Blackwell’s several times, and their packaging is always top notch. Lesson learned.
11 Sep, 2022
2022-9-11 6:59:19 AM UTC
Also ordered mine from BD, and while I usually find their wrap around mailer to be sufficient (certainly better than Amazon's "throw it in a big box" approach), here it also resulted in some bad spine creasing.

Maybe their mailer works better for smaller books?
12 Sep, 2022
2022-9-12 11:43:15 PM UTC
Just got mine today (in MN) from Blackwell's. Did anyone else have their copy shrink-wrapped? It's a first for me, on a non-Deluxe edition HarperCollins book.

Between the shrink-wrap and Blackwell's standard packaging it's the best condition any of dustjackets I've received (where the shipping was international).
13 Sep, 2022
2022-9-13 12:05:41 AM UTC

Velmeran wrote:

Just got mine today (in MN) from Blackwell's. Did anyone else have their copy shrink-wrapped? It's a first for me, on a non-Deluxe edition HarperCollins book.

Yes. Mine shrink-wrapped also.
16 Sep, 2022
2022-9-16 12:28:06 PM UTC
Just got the notice that the Deluxe Complete Guide release date has been pushed back to October 13. (It has already been pushed back from September 1st to September 29th)
16 Sep, 2022
2022-9-16 6:47:13 PM UTC
Perhaps they are correcting the mistake noticed in the standard hardback?
16 Sep, 2022
2022-9-16 7:17:48 PM UTC
I would not have thought so because of how long the print process takes, and they only found out about the Appendix errors in the last couple of weeks.
17 Sep, 2022
2022-9-17 5:43:33 PM UTC
Got my hardback copy from Blackwell's. Piss poor packaging means sub-standard product now going back.

Huge contrast between this shoddy effort and the care taken by the Marquette with The Art of the Manuscript which ships all the way from Milwaukee for £5 and arrives in pristine condition.
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