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Winner of the 2019 Tolkien Society award for Best Website

9 Mar, 2023
2023-3-9 9:29:21 PM UTC
The Battle of Maldon is set to be released on may in Brazil. It will have hardcover, following the standard established by HarperCollins Brasil with Tolkien works, and 304 pages.

6 Apr, 2023
2023-4-6 5:20:37 PM UTC
4 May, 2023
2023-5-4 2:15:18 AM UTC
15 May, 2023 (edited)
2023-5-15 4:05:42 AM UTC
The second boxset of The History of Middle-earth first translation in portuguese is available for pre-order. It contains the next three books: The Lays of Beleriand, The Shaping of Middle-earth and The Lost Road and Other Writings.

Amazon BR

5 Oct, 2023
2023-10-5 11:19:22 PM UTC
Unfinished Tales Illustrated Edition: Of Numenor and Middle-earth: ... os&variant=44453371969702
5 Oct, 2023
2023-10-5 11:23:08 PM UTC
Photos from the HCB website:

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11 Oct, 2023 (edited)
2023-10-11 12:06:46 PM UTC
The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien (Revised and Expanded) available for pre-order.

Amazon BR


Also, a new version of Carpenter's J.R.R. Tolkien: A Biography is availabe by surprise. The diference from the previous one published in Brazil is the cover.

Amazon BR


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6 Mar, 2024
2024-3-6 4:16:01 PM UTC
HarperCollins Brasil is going to release a new collection of fantasy under the name "Feéria" (Fäerie).


Article from O Globo:

"Named ‘Feéria’ (the ‘land of fantastic creatures’ in the universe created by Tolkien), the new sequence of releases will have illustrated and hardcover editions of works by classic and contemporary authors who dedicated themselves to the fantastic genre. All of them, in some way, have connections with the writings of the British writer, who lived between 1892 and 1973."

The collection will be divided into three segments: the Ancient (dedicated to myths and legends used as a basis for stories like ‘The Lord of the Rings’); the Classic (with works contemporary to Tolkien) and the Visionary (bringing together writers whose recent works dialogue with the ‘Tolkienian’ legacy)."

The first two books from the Ancient (or Old Fäerie) segment, "Kalevala" and "Mabinogion", are set to be available on Tolkien Reading Day (march 25).

14 Jun, 2024 (edited)
2024-6-14 8:44:16 PM UTC
Mabinogion, with rescanned illustrations by Alan lee:


Kalevala, illustraded by the brazillian artist Davi Augusto:


There's a kit including both books, 2 posters and 2 bookmarks:
HarperCollins page

Also, the third box set of History of Middle-earth is due to release on July 25th. Some mockups following the design from the previous box sets:

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