Great acquisitions, and I agree with onthetrail, that endpaper map/topographical view is awesome.
Thank you Urulókë and onthetrail, yes that painting is stunning and is a call for adventures !
The art of Denis Gordeev as a whole is very interesting and brings a fresh take about illustrating middle-earth, with its own touch and sensiblity. We can see he's slav and we can feel it in his renditions : always interesting to see how some people can view and interpret middle-earth with their own culture, researchs, style.
For example, two takes at depicting Morgoth, the first in the Silmarillion, the second in Children of Hurin. Fascinating.
The art of Denis Gordeev as a whole is very interesting and brings a fresh take about illustrating middle-earth, with its own touch and sensiblity. We can see he's slav and we can feel it in his renditions : always interesting to see how some people can view and interpret middle-earth with their own culture, researchs, style.
For example, two takes at depicting Morgoth, the first in the Silmarillion, the second in Children of Hurin. Fascinating.

These depictions by Denis Gordeev have been perhaps my favorite depictions of Morgoth, closest to what I see in my head as Tolkien describes him in the latter Silmarillion. Congrats Emilien.
Lovely illustrations, very evocative. In spite of the apparent power and scale of Morgoth, there seems to be a hint of weakness coming through - a clumsiness in facing Fingolfin, and something like servility towards Hurin.
I got this magazine from France to Tennessee in 4 days! That's fast shipping.Luckyshot wrote:
Emilien wrote:
The journal's name is "LE UN" (The one), n° 509, "Penser avec le Seigneur des anneaux"Luckyshot wrote:
What is the name and issue of "french journal published last summer with a full size fold out map reproduction of the Pauline Baynes Map of Middle Earth poster"? I couldn't tell what was the journal name versus article description.
Thank you! Always wanted that poster. Found a site I could buy it and have it shipped to the US for 18,50 €. Not cheap for a magazine, but much cheaper than an original :)
Link for anyone else who wants it. Much cheaper in Europe, I'm sure.