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14 January
2025-1-14 6:51:36 PM UTC
Great acquisitions, and I agree with onthetrail, that endpaper map/topographical view is awesome.
14 January
2025-1-14 8:57:34 PM UTC
Thank you Urulókë and onthetrail, yes that painting is stunning and is a call for adventures !

The art of Denis Gordeev as a whole is very interesting and brings a fresh take about illustrating middle-earth, with its own touch and sensiblity. We can see he's slav and we can feel it in his renditions : always interesting to see how some people can view and interpret middle-earth with their own culture, researchs, style.
For example, two takes at depicting Morgoth, the first in the Silmarillion, the second in Children of Hurin. Fascinating.

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14 January
2025-1-14 9:38:04 PM UTC
These depictions by Denis Gordeev have been perhaps my favorite depictions of Morgoth, closest to what I see in my head as Tolkien describes him in the latter Silmarillion. Congrats Emilien.
14 January
2025-1-14 9:41:37 PM UTC
Very cool illustrations indeed!
15 January
2025-1-15 8:05:52 AM UTC
Lovely illustrations, very evocative. In spite of the apparent power and scale of Morgoth, there seems to be a hint of weakness coming through - a clumsiness in facing Fingolfin, and something like servility towards Hurin.
15 January
2025-1-15 9:02:41 PM UTC

Luckyshot wrote:

Emilien wrote:

Luckyshot wrote:

What is the name and issue of "french journal published last summer with a full size fold out map reproduction of the Pauline Baynes Map of Middle Earth poster"? I couldn't tell what was the journal name versus article description.
The journal's name is "LE UN" (The one), n° 509, "Penser avec le Seigneur des anneaux"

Thank you! Always wanted that poster. Found a site I could buy it and have it shipped to the US for 18,50 €. Not cheap for a magazine, but much cheaper than an original :)
Link for anyone else who wants it. Much cheaper in Europe, I'm sure.
I got this magazine from France to Tennessee in 4 days! That's fast shipping.
6 February
2025-2-6 3:07:27 PM UTC
Found a proof copy of The Isle of Gramarye, containing two poems by Tolkien (Errantry and Shadow Bride)
Never seen this before

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6 February
2025-2-6 4:55:23 PM UTC
Very nice Emilien, congratulations!
7 February
2025-2-7 1:17:20 PM UTC
Thank you !
7 February
2025-2-7 3:25:35 PM UTC
I've not seen before. Lovely find. Well done
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