In the lower right hand corner of the glass case is a "no pictures" icon. The Estate does not permit photos of the materials in that case to be published, sorry! Even before they brought out additional signs, and even without flash, the case items cannot be shown here without the permission of the Estate.

You can see a reproduction of Tolkien's inscription in Christopher's copy of RotK at the very end of The Great Tales Never End.
The tyranny of distance (in time, these days) still holds sway over the Antipodes...
Do we already know which talks will be uploaded in full?
I would imagine all of these talks will be uploaded at some point, as the Bodleian usually do that, in a few months time.
A reminder that we also have the Tolkien Society online conference this weekend to look forward to, hope everyone has registered for this fantastic event. ... t_id=58178#forumpost58178
A reminder that we also have the Tolkien Society online conference this weekend to look forward to, hope everyone has registered for this fantastic event. ... t_id=58178#forumpost58178
Was nice to see Roccondil and Huan last night.
A fantastic event at the Bodleian Library and very suitable way to mark Christopher's Centenary. All the talks were great, Catherine McIlwaine talked about Christopher's early life, Baillie mainly talked about family and living in France, we then had a talk on Christopher teaching at Oxford and finally the work that he did editing his fathers writing.
Quite a lot of the Tolkien family were there, including Adam and Rachel, Michael, and Mandy Tolkien. Sadly, I don't know most of the family to put names to faces. Baillie's talk was fascinating, talking about Christopher's very extensive range of interests, a lot of which took a back burner so he could concentrate on his father.
A fantastic event at the Bodleian Library and very suitable way to mark Christopher's Centenary. All the talks were great, Catherine McIlwaine talked about Christopher's early life, Baillie mainly talked about family and living in France, we then had a talk on Christopher teaching at Oxford and finally the work that he did editing his fathers writing.
Quite a lot of the Tolkien family were there, including Adam and Rachel, Michael, and Mandy Tolkien. Sadly, I don't know most of the family to put names to faces. Baillie's talk was fascinating, talking about Christopher's very extensive range of interests, a lot of which took a back burner so he could concentrate on his father.

Thank you Trotter, and others for the reports of the night. Great to read that everyone had a good time.