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8 Mar, 2008
2008-3-8 7:25:11 PM UTC
Updated the CotM for March at:

Hope you like it. Fangorn sent it and a birthday calendar (both arrived safely yesterday). So it seemed appropriate to make it the CotM and thank him.

Spring is coming!

Away from The Green Hill Country,

1 Apr, 2008
2008-4-1 1:06:54 AM UTC
Updated the Calendar of the Month feature for April at:

Hope you like this one!

Away from The Green Hill Country,

19 Apr, 2008
2008-4-19 1:16:37 PM UTC
Added a 1996 Ediciones Minotauro to the catalog at:

You can find it in the 1996 - 1998 and Spain listings.

Happy Spring to all!

Away from The Green Hill Country,


p.s. - And if anyone out there can help me collect any of the Spanish Ediciones Minotauro calendars, I would be grateful for the help. Thanks!
3 May, 2008
2008-5-3 2:55:48 PM UTC
Updated the Calendar of the Month feature for May at:

It's one that I only recently "discovered".

Away from The Green Hill Country,

26 Aug, 2008
2008-8-26 12:34:39 AM UTC
Well, it's been about three months since I last posted. Guess it's time - now that the summer is over - to reacquaintance myself with he goings on at TCG. Picked up a few calendars over the summer. But as most serious collectors would probably agree, the more you have, the harder it gets to find something that you don't. Have to add the 2008 S.T.I. issue to the list. Am still trying to find someone, anyone that can help me find the Minotauro calendars from Spain. These are commercial issues and seem to be impossible to find (except rarely on eBay). Any suggestions? Thanks all. Hope your summers went well.

Away from The Green Hill Country,

26 Aug, 2008
2008-8-26 12:39:35 AM UTC
One bit of interesting news: I attended MythCon 39 at CCSU back on 15 and 16 August. In attendance was Ted Nasmith who very graciously signed all of the Tolkien calendars that he illustrated - including a copy of the 2009 that he was selling at his dealers' table. In addition, four of the illustrators of the 1990 NOT Tolkien Calendar were in attendance (not suprisingly, perhaps, as this was an issue of the MythSoc), and they also signed that one for me. The meeting was a lot of fun and very interesting.

20 Sep, 2008
2008-9-20 4:40:41 PM UTC
Hello to All -

It has been extraordinarily quiet on this thread over the summer (and all of the other forums I haunt, too.) Just a note to see if anyone's around. In spite of the fact that I haven't posted since May, it seems a very short time since I did. Picked up a few calendars over the summer, and the 2009 calendars have started coming out.

We are working to finalize the 2009 Heren Istarion calendar. We are using illustrations from two new illustrators and Jef Murray has generously done up the cover for it. You will soon see it and ordering information on the website. All proceeds benefit HI. Because of the 2008 calendar, HI has now made all memberships free.

Away from The Green Hill Country,

25 Sep, 2008
2008-9-25 9:48:51 PM UTC
Hi Parmastahir,

good to see you around here again. I can't wait to see the 2009 calendar when it is ready - I'll be ordering a copy of this one as well.

Out of curiosity, how short is your "must find list" getting?
26 Sep, 2008
2008-9-26 3:17:52 AM UTC
The list is 34 calendars.

- 8 are the "common" Minotauro/Spain issues that I noted above.
- 4 are "common" Amber/Poland issues.
- 3 are truly common ones that I am trying to find mint (shrinkwrapped) copies of.
- Most are rare ones: the 1969 Kirk, first issues of Beyond Bree, the Pillinger Shire Calendar (of which there are variants), the two American TS issues, several of the Middle-earth Fellowship.

Was just able this week to discover and collect one that was not even on my want list. I will add it to my website shortly. With that calendar and the 2008 S.T.I. that I must add, I have been able to catalog 279 calendars. By difference, that must mean that I have been able to collect 245 of them.

Away from The Green Hill Country,


How's your family? Work? Getting enough sleep?!?
14 Oct, 2008
2008-10-14 9:45:40 AM UTC
Hi Parmastahir,

I saw this on ebay and thought it may interest you.

ebay link

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