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1 Mar, 2020
2020-3-1 5:38:07 PM UTC
At most, I can see HarperCollins doing a release for those new to Tolkien after checking out the Amazon series: kind of like a 'Second Age compilation' consisting of Second Age material from across all of Tolkien's writings in one spot - much like Beren and Luthien and The Fall of Gondolin dedicated books. Notes/intro/preface and illustrations aside, those didn't offer anything new. Something that won't offer new content for long-time fans, but something to appeal to those new to Tolkien. I could see this existing as either a paperback, hardback, or possibly deluxe edition; or a combination of all them.

The Amazon contract also involves the Estate themselves, and HarperCollins so we'll see what books come out around the time of the Amazon series begins.
1 Mar, 2020
2020-3-1 6:48:58 PM UTC
Remember the Catlin Hobbit? The Deluxe version of that was the same page block, the same boards (albeit with different printing), put in a slipcase and costing three times the price.

This could be the same kind of deal. Not everything has to be part of a series because the word "deluxe" is slapped on it.

I'll personally be going with the standard edition unless the deluxe genuinely offers something worthwhile extra.
1 Mar, 2020
2020-3-1 9:30:28 PM UTC
I agree with Stu. At this point anything “deluxe” needs to be more than a glorified hardcover edition with a slipcase (for me) and I doubt they can come up with much in this regard other than maybe a couple extra illustrations or something signed.

I’d be surprised if any new deluxe edition reached the level of the “super deluxe” editions of Children of Hurin and Sigurd and Gudrun. Now those were true deluxe editions (calling them super deluxe made no sense imo).
2 Mar, 2020
2020-3-2 12:25:30 AM UTC

Khamûl wrote:
The current format of deluxes has been on the go since 2004 (H), which is quite a long time.

I think you will find it is a LIMITED time. It says to on the piece of paper in the shrinkwrap.
2 Mar, 2020
2020-3-2 2:57:54 AM UTC
Yup two books that come to mind to not fitting in with the 'usual' deluxe series are Catlin's Hobbit, and The Lord of the Rings 60th anniversary illustrated edition by Alan Lee.

I also would have listed The History of Middle-earth, however the only 'non' deluxe element - that the rest in the series have - is that they lack is the curved slipcase opening style design, and a few other details about the spine of the books themselves. I remember a while back a member of this site made fan-made images of how it should have looked. They're the same height as the rest of the deluxe's, excluding the two I mentioned above. Despite their design faults, they tick pretty much all the boxes that deluxes have (quarter-bound, ribbon marker, etc...)

A possible third could be The Hobbit Facsimile Edition from 2016 - it has a slipcase, and even the info sheet on the back resembles the other deluxes, though it's not part of the typical deluxe edition line-up.
2 Mar, 2020
2020-3-2 8:13:27 AM UTC
I concede Catlin's H certainly had a standard and "deluxe" release; the various 75-80 year H's were more like cheap special releases. Lee's 60th? You're going to need to remind me, what edition are you referring to here?
2 Mar, 2020
2020-3-2 8:47:41 AM UTC

Khamûl wrote:
I concede Catlin's H certainly had a standard and "deluxe" release; the various 75-80 year H's were more like cheap special releases. Lee's 60th? You're going to need to remind me, what edition are you referring to here?

Is that the one with the nasty plastic slipcase?
2 Mar, 2020
2020-3-2 8:48:07 AM UTC
2 Mar, 2020
2020-3-2 11:22:43 AM UTC

@Eorl wrote:
I’d be surprised if any new deluxe edition reached the level of the “super deluxe” editions of Children of Hurin and Sigurd and Gudrun. Now those were true deluxe editions (calling them super deluxe made no sense imo).

I guess when one comes up with a true deluxe edition and the word deluxe has already been misused by HarperCollins to describe pretty drab or otherwise ordinary items one has to come up with a new deluxe tag.
2 Mar, 2020
2020-3-2 12:41:22 PM UTC
Super Deluxe meant full leather books, of which four editions have so far been sold, HC made an excellent Lord of the Rings Super Deluxe for contributors to the 50th Anniversary but that was not sold commercially.
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