I was wondering if you could give me some advice in regards to price of 2nd edition of LoTR or 3rd ed of Hobbit. I apologise if it was already explained somewhere else but I couldn't find it.

I'm not really a collector - I tend to buy whatever cheap edition I find of titles I'm missing. As long as they are readable and not falling apart, I'm alright. However, I've been thinking of buying the second edition of the Lord of the Rings books or third edition of Hobbit but I'm not sure what price is considered acceptable and not too overpriced. LoTR for example, I saw some 2nd ed 8th impression for £30 for one book, or 2nd ed 11 impression for £70 for all 3 books, or 2 ed 6th impression (with ownership inscription) for £110 for all 3. Third edition of Hobbit mostly leaned towards £100 and more.

Any guidance would be much appreciated! And if not, thank you for reading anyway. Also sorry for the long post.