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Silver Leaves Issue #2 Call For Submissions
Posted by Urulókë on Jan 15, 2008 (3141 views)

The White Tree Fund (TWTF) would like to thank everyone for the incredible reception of the inaugural issue of Silver Leaves and is now calling for submissions to its second issue. The theme for this issue is ?The Inklings? and all academic, journalistic, reflective, creative and artistic pieces relative to the collective group known as the Inklings or any of its individual members are welcome.

The deadline for all submissions is April 30, 2008. Publication is set for Fall 2008.

To find more information, submission guidelines or advertising rates for Silver Leaves, please visit: Please take note of word limits, file formats and reference styles necessary for submissions. Copies of Issue 1 can be purchased at:

Silver Leaves is the official journal of TWTF. The purpose of SL is to educate, raise awareness, support charitable initiatives, and entertain. SL accepts submissions from established scholars, authors, and artists as well as from those new to the publishing world. Submissions may include, but are not limited to, academic essays, creative writing, and artwork; interviews and event reports; artistic spotlights on costuming, weaponry, and handmade items; puzzles; humanitarian, community, and volunteer updates; and book, gaming, live entertainment and movie reviews. While the focus of SL is on TWTF's mandated humanitarian efforts, particularly those from within the Tolkien community, SL is open to scholarly and creative submissions from other fandoms according to the theme of the up-coming issue.

For more information you are welcome to visit: To contact the Editor, please email [email protected] .

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