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(did you mean Carpenter's Letter #76?)

TCG Letter #76

Christopher Tolkien
Francisco Perrúa
11 January 1978
Typed Letter Signed
Christopher Tolkien replies to Francisco Perrúa, the Spanish translator of his fathers work, 6 months after he received a letter from him about his work. Christopher had been waiting for copies to arrive from Buenos Aires that never arrived. He notes that a hardcover edition will be published soon.

He explains that his Spanish is lacking and therefore can not judge the translation. He mentions 'Bilbo Bolson' and asks if this translates to 'Bilbo Moneybags', asking whether the term suggests "that he is not very bright?". But he maintains confident that the translation will be a great one, given the work undertaken.

He goes on to talk about his interests and concerns "with the rendering of the nomenclature" in his fathers work. If their is to be a translation of The Silmarillion he is very willing and ready to help with queries.

In a post script he makes reference to a letter he received recently from Professor d'Alessandre about the work and he asks about the credit given in the book that read "Translation of Luis Domenech". This puzzles him.
Private correspondence. This letter was not detailed but the above summary was provided by the team at Bonhams.

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