Letter Tags
Writing to Tolkien, Stanley Unwin suggests 17 November for their next meeting. Tolkien had written earlier that day suggesting other dates but writes an...
Stanley writes to Tolkien with news that the first edition of The Hobbit has sold and a new printing will be issued almost immediately. He notes that To...
Tolkien has received a letter from Arthur Ransome, who wonders about the use of the word "man" in The Hobbit, as well as a few other letters from reader...
Tolkien notes his pleasure at receiveing letters from readers. He mentions his mythology and remarks that he has nearly finished a second book on hobbit...
Tolkien opens this letter by mentioning that he is writing this letter using his new "midget type" typewriter cartridges. These could be interchanged an...
Tolkien expresses deep concern about Rayner, who is off to war, and mentions that his son Christopher has become great friends with Chris Unwin. One of ...
Tolkien expresses pleasure that Brogan enjoyed "The Hobbit" and mentions his ongoing work on a longer piece set in the same world, providing details abo...
Tolkien opens this letter with apologies for his delayed reply. He says that he must have appeared ungrateful, but not only was he grateful, he was exci...
Tolkien notes the progress with having two large books, one being The Lord of the Rings, published. It has been accepted and is almost finished. Hammond...
Tolkien had "dumped" the manuscript of The Lord of the Rings on Milton Waldman just as he was going on holiday, and Tolkien felt bad burdoning him with ...
Tolkien writes to Stanley Unwin, mentioning various topics but chief among them is The Lord of the Rings. Stranded without a publisher, and the work now...
Tolkien compares his two great stories the War of the Ring and the War of the Jewels and remarks on the Farmer Giles sales figures.
Unwin wants to break up Tolkien's "monstrous Saga", and Tolkien hopes Unwin will let the project go so Tolkien can publish The Lord of the Rings and The...
Sir Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien on the matter of how to publish the Lord of the Rings. He does not see a possibility of one volume and gives some fi...
Relations between Tolkien and Allen & Unwin had begun to become strained as Tolkien felt that A&U were not open to publishing his work as he would have ...
Tolkien wrote this letter to Milton Waldman. Tolkien wanted his publisher, George Allen & Unwin, to publish both The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarill...
Tolkien responds to Mrs. Mitchison's kind letter and her generous and perceptive review of The Lord of the Rings. He discusses the complexity of the wor...
Tolkien responds to a reader's extensive analysis and questions about The Lord of the Rings. Amongst many topics, Tolkien discusses the unique fate of H...
Tolkien describes a challenging and overwhelming period with an excessive workload, emphasizing the strain it has taken. He mentions booksellers, includ...
Tolkien writes to John Roberts, apologising for the delay in publishing the third volume of The Lord of the Rings. He describes the third volume, regret...
Letter to Mr. Mitchell, about reading The Lord of the Rings and extends offer to sign his 3 volumes. Tolkien hopes that his success with the The Lord of...
Tolkien expresses gratitude for Lord Halsbury's approval and interest in his work. He discusses the surprising success of The Lord of the Rings and foll...
Tolkien expresses gratitude for a reader's encouraging letter. He writes that his work began during World War I and evolved into the invention of legend...
These are Tolkien's notes based on a review by W.H. Auden. He argues that his story is not an allegory of his personal experiences but a depiction of hu...
Among many subjects Tolkien discusses the unfinished index for The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion. Numenor, echoes of past tales. 'Tunes' for po...
Tolkien describes himself as a philologist, and sometime calligrapher. An index of Elvish names was intended to be produced, noting that his 'specialist...
As with Tolkien's draft of this letter, this letter opens with Tolkien's ackowledgment of Minchin's suggestions and his note that he is now more than ev...
Tolkien hoped that he would be able to publish parts of The Silmarillion After the success of The Lord of the Rings he hoped it may be reconsidered.
Tolkien answers some questions, on The Silmarillion and on Elvish sleep among more general queries. It is plainly suggested that Elves do ‘sleep’, b...
Tolkien replies to a fan letter with pleasure that Mr. Roberts is enjoying The Lord of the Rings. He makes a brief mention of his First and Second Age s...
Tolkien says that work is still getting in the way of him spending any time on The Silmarillion. He is having trouble with a professor in America as wel...
Tolkien apologizes to Rayner for being exhausted at their previous meeting and says he is recovering from a very stressful school term. He says that he ...
Tolkien expresses gratitude for a letter from GA&U and contemplates the idea of retiring in July and reflects on the financial and health implications. ...
Tolkien describes his meeting with Sir Stanley Unwin and Mr Ackerman, they decided upon a policy to deal with film rights.
Rayner agrees with Tolkien that future translations should adopt the names as Tolkien prefers. Rayner says that Allen & Unwin can have an index of names...
Tolkien discusses his hectic schedule, translations of the rcently published (in 3 volumes) Lord of the Rings. Tolkien states that he is "on leave now f...
Writing to Tolkien, Rayner says that he will seriously consider adding the index into the Lord of the Rings. Possibly to coincide with the proposed publ...
Tolkien describes the creation of the World and then of the Dwarves by Aulë in draft that was never sent to Beare.
Tolkien sends his apologies not replying earlier, he describes himself as "a much harassed man".
Tolkien writes to Rayner about his translations of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Pearl.
Tolkien wrote a series of letters to his cousin Dorothy Wood and Sotheby's auction house quoted from many. Among those that no date could be determined ...
The letter contains a printed statement about The Lord of the Rings and a typed paragraph stating that he is "working on a new book which I hope will te...
Tolkien informs Rayner that by way of looking at the "Scunthorpe lists" he has also continued work on The Silmarillion, and can say that it is in an act...
Tolkien tells Rayner that he is getting to his work on the translations of Sir Gawain and Pearl, in addition to The Silmarillion, however the arrival of...
Tolkien asks Rayner's thoughts on publishing small or minor bits having to do with the Ring Cycle. He says that he is being asked for these, and that th...
Tolkien tells Jane Neave that he will send her "a long instalment" for reference.
Tolkien's publishing commitments are catching up with him. Chronology reproduced a slightly longer selection of the letter than what appears in Letters....
Letter concerns various points in The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion.
Of this letter, a large portion was published as Letter #227 in The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien. In the opening portion of this letter to Madam Ossendrijv...
Writing to Mr. Gilmore, Tolkien explains that there will not be a sequel to The Lord of the Rings, with observations on the end of stories and that the ...
Tolkien replies to Perry explaining his delay as be is not able to remember addresses and that his papers are not in order. Tolkien goes on to discuss h...
Tolkien writes in reply to a letter asking for details of what Tolkien is writing. He apologises for the short delay as he is busy writing what Mr. Sutt...
Tolkien writes expressing his sorrow at his delay in replying. He pleads be excused as he is still "very busy and have little time to spare if I am ever...
Writing to his aunt, Jane Neave, and in a newly published portion of this letter Tolkien says that fan mail keeps arriving, some of it is interesting an...
Tolkien informs Rayner Unwin that he is now "in residence" until 2 October and will return on 10 October as he is once again involved in term. He is sta...
Tolkien sends a short letter with his pleasure that Mr. Sheppard enjoys his writing.
Tolkien is 'deep in snow'
Tolkien writes to Julie Cape thanking her for her letter of appreciation. She has enjoyed The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings and Tolkien hopes that sh...
A standard reply to Justin, thanking him for his support and mentioning The Silmarillion.
Tolkien writes about The Lord of the Rings, comparisons to The Hobbit, some discussion of the material being worked on for The Silmarillion, and a lengt...
Justin Arundale, a young fan of The Lord of the Rings, writes to Tolkien asking if he has any information of when The Silmarillion will be published. To...
A brief letter stating that The Silmarillion is not yet complete, but that The Adventures of Tom Bombadil should be coming out soon in America. He compl...
It had been agreed that the new paperback (see no. 248) should be given the title Tree and Leaf. Rayner Unwin asked if Tolkien could suggest a suitable ...
Tolkien replies to Justin Arundale aged ten explaining that the Silmarillion will not be published for some time yet. He closes by asking him to tell hi...
Tolkien answers a question about what Hal saw on the North Moors - Tolkien does not think it was an Entwife, but likely a troll. He also recommends Heaf...
Eileen Elgar wrote to Tolkien asking for information about The Silmarillion. Included in his reply was a nine page manuscript, with genealogical tree il...
Tolkien apologizes for having trouble reading Mr Peel's signature and was pleased that he liked his work. He states that The Silmarillion will not be pu...
In an earlier letter Tolkien had suggested that James Heaf read his forthcoming book The Silmarillion. He now regrets that The Silmarillion might not be...
Tolkien wrote that he usually typed letters because of his handwriting (which can be very difficult to read at times). He talks about the invention of h...
Tolkien replies, thanking Mr. E. Rasdall for his interest in his writing and returns the copy of The Adventures of Tom Bombadil to be signed. Tolkien ex...
Joy Hill replies to a letter in which she is described as "his chief scribe". The Silmarillion is not yet ready for publication and no date is known. To...
Rayner Unwin replies to a letter from Ed Meskys saying the Silmarillion will not be published for many years but that Sir Gawain and Pearl could be publ...
Tolkien had sent Unwin the typescript of his new story Smith of Wootton Major. It seemed to Unwin to need the companionship of other stories to make a s...
Tolkien writes about The Silmarillion, the Númenórean legends, and his friendship with C.S. Lewis. He discusses the formation of the Tolkien Society o...
In August 1965 Ballantine Books produced the first ‘authorized’ American paperback of The Hobbit, without incorporating Tolkien’s revisions to the...
Professor Kilby, of Wheaton College, Illinois, had met Tolkien while visiting Oxford in 1964. He now offered to return to England and help Tolkien in an...
Auden told Tolkien that he had agreed to write a short book about him, in collaboration with Peter H. Salus, for a seres entitled Christian Perspectives...
Tolkien sends a letter to his friend George Sayer firstly expressing his sorrow about Sayers wife Moira. She has been very ill of late. He had hoped tha...
Tolkien replies to Roger Verhulst's letter about the US paperback rights to Essays Presented to Charles Williams, and he reiterates his objections to a ...
The following is one of many short replies that Tolkien wrote at this period of his life to readers who asked questions about his books. Its characteris...
Secretarial letter to Mr Porthouse wirth mention that Tolkien's next book will be The Silmarillion.
Tolkien discusses his and Edith's Mediterranean cruise and the bust of him at the English Faculty in Oxford. Excerpts from the letter have been publishe...
Tolkien writes to Clyde S. Kilby making mention that he is pleased that Kilby has finally received the correct medication and says that he is yet to con...
Tolkien writes to James S. Marsh and sends him three copies of his autograph to stick in his books.
Rayner writes to Mr Hooton about The Silmarillion. He describes Tolkien as "a perfectionist" and does not expect publication for a few years. He also st...
Tolkien writes to Mr Hooton about progress on The Silmarillion, which has been delayed due to the complications presented in the United States from the ...
At the top, Tolkien has written: ‘Some reflections in preparing an answer to a letter from one Mr Rang about investigations into my nomenclature. In t...
On April 11, Colin Smythe wrote back to Tolkien, saying he will look for Winter's Tales For Children but hopes Tolkien could provide a new poem, and als...
Tolkien writes about his languages and talks about Westron or the Common Speech.
A secretarial letter with a PS from Tolkien who explains that he is too busy writing The Silmarillion to answer questions.
On March 7, Smythe wrote that he understands Tolkien's inability to contribute a poem, but Smythe would rather see The Silmarillion be published in any ...
Tolkien wishes he had an 'elven' grammar and vocabulary.
This letter was published in the letter column of the January 1970 issue (Volume Two, Number One) of Carandaith, the journal of the Australian Tolkien S...
Tolkien discusses his problems with progressing with the Silmarillion. An additional portion of the letter has been quoted on Michael Tolkien's website.
Tolkien is very busy working on the Silmarillion but is very glad that his books have brought Davison enjoyment.
Tolkien writes about progress on the Silmarillion.
Tolkien sends a standard form reply to Mr. Trimmer, apologising for not being able to write anything personal as he is working on The Silmarillion. This...
Tolkien apologises for not sending a personal reply and explains that he is to busy with the Silmarillion to answer personal questions.
Joy Hill tries to dissuade a student from writing his thesis about The Lord of the Rings due to the immense amount of unpublished material he doesn't ha...
Tolkien writes about Aman and what happens to mortals, such as Frodo, when they go there. In a portion published in the C.S. Lewis Biography by Green To...
Tolkien thanks Mr Mackay for a chart and information that he sent him about Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.
Tolkien writes to Michael about how little time he has to work on The Silmarillion and about any prospects of feature films, he believes that no films w...
Tolkien explains that he does not have time to comment on his works.
Tolkien writes to Christopher about Edith, her headstone, his thoughts of her as Lúthien and a visit to GA&U's headquarters.
A photocopy/form letter on Ballantine Books letterhead sent in response to a fan letter. The letter thanks David for writing and for his enthusiasm, and...
Tolkien declines to discuss C.S. Lewis and states that he is still trying to work on The Silmarillion.
Joy Hill responds to a fan query about The Silmarillion, saying that for death duty (tax) reasons, it cannot be published while he is alive.
Tolkien's secretary writing on behalf of Tolkien, states that he is very busy and cannot write letters currently.
Tolkien writes, thanking Lanier for the book The War for the Lot by Lanier himself. Tolkien says that he found it quite original, and frightening. Tolki...
Tolkien writes to a reader giving an update on his next book, The Silmarillion "which is already written but in need of revision".
Reply of thanks. Mention of The Silmarillion being "far from complete".
Tolkien writes about his current views on Galadriel which changed frequently through out his life.
Christopher Tolkien replies to Francisco Perrúa, the Spanish translator of his fathers work, 6 months after he received a letter from him about his wor...
Rayner Unwin thanks Bernie Zuber and the membership of the World Science Fiction Convention for awarding J.R.R. Tolkien with the "Gandalf Award" in 1977...
Guide to Tolkien's Letters
The Silmarillion
(115 letters match)1937
28 October 1937
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Writing to Tolkien, Stanley Unwin suggests 17 November for their next meeting. Tolkien had written earlier that day suggesting other dates but writes an...
15 December 1937
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley writes to Tolkien with news that the first edition of The Hobbit has sold and a new printing will be issued almost immediately. He notes that To...
16 December 1937
J.R.R. Tolkien to Stanley Unwin
Carpenter #19
Tolkien has received a letter from Arthur Ransome, who wonders about the use of the word "man" in The Hobbit, as well as a few other letters from reader...
15 March 1942
J.R.R. Tolkien to John Kettle
Tolkien notes his pleasure at receiveing letters from readers. He mentions his mythology and remarks that he has nearly finished a second book on hobbit...
7 July 1944
J.R.R. Tolkien to Christopher Tolkien
Carpenter #75
Tolkien opens this letter by mentioning that he is writing this letter using his new "midget type" typewriter cartridges. These could be interchanged an...
Undated (circa 18 March 1945)
J.R.R. Tolkien to Stanley Unwin
Carpenter #98
Tolkien expresses deep concern about Rayner, who is off to war, and mentions that his son Christopher has become great friends with Chris Unwin. One of ...
7 April 1948
J.R.R. Tolkien to Hugh Brogan
Carpenter #114
Tolkien expresses pleasure that Brogan enjoyed "The Hobbit" and mentions his ongoing work on a longer piece set in the same world, providing details abo...
15 June [?1948]
J.R.R. Tolkien to Katharine Farrer
Carpenter #115
Tolkien opens this letter with apologies for his delayed reply. He says that he must have appeared ungrateful, but not only was he grateful, he was exci...
12 November 1949
J.R.R. Tolkien to Miss R.W. How
Tolkien notes the progress with having two large books, one being The Lord of the Rings, published. It has been accepted and is almost finished. Hammond...
5 February 1950
J.R.R. Tolkien to Milton Waldman
Carpenter #123
Tolkien had "dumped" the manuscript of The Lord of the Rings on Milton Waldman just as he was going on holiday, and Tolkien felt bad burdoning him with ...
24 February 1950
J.R.R. Tolkien to Stanley Unwin
Carpenter #124
Tolkien writes to Stanley Unwin, mentioning various topics but chief among them is The Lord of the Rings. Stranded without a publisher, and the work now...
10 March 1950
J.R.R. Tolkien to Stanley Unwin
Carpenter #125
Tolkien compares his two great stories the War of the Ring and the War of the Jewels and remarks on the Farmer Giles sales figures.
10 March 1950
J.R.R. Tolkien to Milton Waldman
Carpenter #126
Unwin wants to break up Tolkien's "monstrous Saga", and Tolkien hopes Unwin will let the project go so Tolkien can publish The Lord of the Rings and The...
3 April 1950
Sir Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Sir Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien on the matter of how to publish the Lord of the Rings. He does not see a possibility of one volume and gives some fi...
14 April 1950
J.R.R. Tolkien to Stanley Unwin
Carpenter #127
Relations between Tolkien and Allen & Unwin had begun to become strained as Tolkien felt that A&U were not open to publishing his work as he would have ...
1951 (late)
J.R.R. Tolkien to Milton Waldman
Carpenter #131
Tolkien wrote this letter to Milton Waldman. Tolkien wanted his publisher, George Allen & Unwin, to publish both The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarill...
25 September 1954
J.R.R. Tolkien to Naomi Mitchison
Carpenter #154
Tolkien responds to Mrs. Mitchison's kind letter and her generous and perceptive review of The Lord of the Rings. He discusses the complexity of the wor...
late September 1954?
J.R.R. Tolkien to Peter Hastings
Carpenter #153
Tolkien responds to a reader's extensive analysis and questions about The Lord of the Rings. Amongst many topics, Tolkien discusses the unique fate of H...
29 June 1955
J.R.R. Tolkien to Naomi Mitchison
Carpenter #164
Tolkien describes a challenging and overwhelming period with an excessive workload, emphasizing the strain it has taken. He mentions booksellers, includ...
22 August 1955
J.R.R. Tolkien to John Roberts
Tolkien writes to John Roberts, apologising for the delay in publishing the third volume of The Lord of the Rings. He describes the third volume, regret...
22 October 1955
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mr. Mitchell
Letter to Mr. Mitchell, about reading The Lord of the Rings and extends offer to sign his 3 volumes. Tolkien hopes that his success with the The Lord of...
10 November 1955
J.R.R. Tolkien to Lord Halsbury
Carpenter #174
Tolkien expresses gratitude for Lord Halsbury's approval and interest in his work. He discusses the surprising success of The Lord of the Rings and foll...
14 January 1956
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mr. Thompson
Carpenter #180
Tolkien expresses gratitude for a reader's encouraging letter. He writes that his work began during World War I and evolved into the invention of legend...
?Late January 1956
J.R.R. Tolkien to Notes on W. H. Auden’s review of The Return of the King
Carpenter #183
These are Tolkien's notes based on a review by W.H. Auden. He argues that his story is not an allegory of his personal experiences but a depiction of hu...
8 March 1956
J.R.R. Tolkien to William Galbraith
Among many subjects Tolkien discusses the unfinished index for The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion. Numenor, echoes of past tales. 'Tunes' for po...
16 April 1956
J.R.R. Tolkien to H [Humphrey]. Cotton Minchin
Carpenter #187
Tolkien describes himself as a philologist, and sometime calligrapher. An index of Elvish names was intended to be produced, noting that his 'specialist...
16 April 1956
J.R.R. Tolkien to H [Humphrey]. Cotton Minchin
As with Tolkien's draft of this letter, this letter opens with Tolkien's ackowledgment of Minchin's suggestions and his note that he is now more than ev...
?Late June or July 1956
J.R.R. Tolkien to Houghton Mifflin Co.
Carpenter #182
Tolkien hoped that he would be able to publish parts of The Silmarillion After the success of The Lord of the Rings he hoped it may be reconsidered.
5 November 1956
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mr Britten
Tolkien answers some questions, on The Silmarillion and on Elvish sleep among more general queries. It is plainly suggested that Elves do ‘sleep’, b...
8 December 1956
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mr. [Anthony] Roberts
Tolkien replies to a fan letter with pleasure that Mr. Roberts is enjoying The Lord of the Rings. He makes a brief mention of his First and Second Age s...
3 February 1957
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Carpenter #195a
Tolkien says that work is still getting in the way of him spending any time on The Silmarillion. He is having trouble with a professor in America as wel...
1 March 1957
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Carpenter #195b
Tolkien apologizes to Rayner for being exhausted at their previous meeting and says he is recovering from a very stressful school term. He says that he ...
9 May 1957
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Carpenter #197
Tolkien expresses gratitude for a letter from GA&U and contemplates the idea of retiring in July and reflects on the financial and health implications. ...
11 September 1957
J.R.R. Tolkien to Christopher and Faith Tolkien
Carpenter #202
Tolkien describes his meeting with Sir Stanley Unwin and Mr Ackerman, they decided upon a policy to deal with film rights.
12 December 1957
Rayner Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rayner agrees with Tolkien that future translations should adopt the names as Tolkien prefers. Rayner says that Allen & Unwin can have an index of names...
19 December 1957
J.R.R. Tolkien to Patricia
Tolkien discusses his hectic schedule, translations of the rcently published (in 3 volumes) Lord of the Rings. Tolkien states that he is "on leave now f...
29 May 1958
Rayner Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Writing to Tolkien, Rayner says that he will seriously consider adding the index into the Lord of the Rings. Possibly to coincide with the proposed publ...
14 October 1958
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rhona Beare
Carpenter #212
Tolkien describes the creation of the World and then of the Dwarves by Aulë in draft that was never sent to Beare.
20 October 1958
J.R.R. Tolkien to Elizabeth Jones and J. Taylor
Tolkien sends his apologies not replying earlier, he describes himself as "a much harassed man".
9 December 1959
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Carpenter #222
Tolkien writes to Rayner about his translations of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Pearl.
Between 1960 and 1973
J.R.R. Tolkien to Dorothy Wood
Tolkien wrote a series of letters to his cousin Dorothy Wood and Sotheby's auction house quoted from many. Among those that no date could be determined ...
13 January 1960
Tolkien's Secretary to Elizabeth Jones
The letter contains a printed statement about The Lord of the Rings and a typed paragraph stating that he is "working on a new book which I hope will te...
9 February 1960
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Carpenter #222a
Tolkien informs Rayner that by way of looking at the "Scunthorpe lists" he has also continued work on The Silmarillion, and can say that it is in an act...
12 February 1960
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Carpenter #222b
Tolkien tells Rayner that he is getting to his work on the translations of Sir Gawain and Pearl, in addition to The Silmarillion, however the arrival of...
29 February 1960
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Carpenter #222c
Tolkien asks Rayner's thoughts on publishing small or minor bits having to do with the Ring Cycle. He says that he is being asked for these, and that th...
4 April 1960
J.R.R. Tolkien to Jane Neave
Carpenter #222e
Tolkien tells Jane Neave that he will send her "a long instalment" for reference.
31 July 1960
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Carpenter #223
Tolkien's publishing commitments are catching up with him. Chronology reproduced a slightly longer selection of the letter than what appears in Letters....
30 August 1960
J.R.R. Tolkien to George Lewis Hersh
Letter concerns various points in The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion.
5 January 1961
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mrs E. C. Ossendrijver
Carpenter #227
Of this letter, a large portion was published as Letter #227 in The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien. In the opening portion of this letter to Madam Ossendrijv...
3 July 1961
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mr. Gilmore
Writing to Mr. Gilmore, Tolkien explains that there will not be a sequel to The Lord of the Rings, with observations on the end of stories and that the ...
29 December 1961
J.R.R. Tolkien to Miss Perry
Tolkien replies to Perry explaining his delay as be is not able to remember addresses and that his papers are not in order. Tolkien goes on to discuss h...
12 March 1962
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mr. Sutton
Tolkien writes in reply to a letter asking for details of what Tolkien is writing. He apologises for the short delay as he is busy writing what Mr. Sutt...
16 April 1962
J.R.R. Tolkien to Miriam Hirsch
Tolkien writes expressing his sorrow at his delay in replying. He pleads be excused as he is still "very busy and have little time to spare if I am ever...
18 July 1962
J.R.R. Tolkien to Jane Neave
Carpenter #238
Writing to his aunt, Jane Neave, and in a newly published portion of this letter Tolkien says that fan mail keeps arriving, some of it is interesting an...
21 July 1962
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Carpenter #239a
Tolkien informs Rayner Unwin that he is now "in residence" until 2 October and will return on 10 October as he is once again involved in term. He is sta...
7 November 1962
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mr. Sheppard
Tolkien sends a short letter with his pleasure that Mr. Sheppard enjoys his writing.
13 February 1963
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mr. Hooton
Tolkien is 'deep in snow'
17 February 1963
J.R.R. Tolkien to Julie Cape
Tolkien writes to Julie Cape thanking her for her letter of appreciation. She has enjoyed The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings and Tolkien hopes that sh...
30 May 1963
J.R.R. Tolkien to Justin Arundale
A standard reply to Justin, thanking him for his support and mentioning The Silmarillion.
20 September 1963
J.R.R. Tolkien to Colonel Worskett
Carpenter #247
Tolkien writes about The Lord of the Rings, comparisons to The Hobbit, some discussion of the material being worked on for The Silmarillion, and a lengt...
c. late 1963 - January 1964
Justin Arundale to J.R.R. Tolkien
Justin Arundale, a young fan of The Lord of the Rings, writes to Tolkien asking if he has any information of when The Silmarillion will be published. To...
6 December 1963
J.R.R. Tolkien to Madam Ossendrijver
A brief letter stating that The Silmarillion is not yet complete, but that The Adventures of Tom Bombadil should be coming out soon in America. He compl...
23 December 1963
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Carpenter #253
It had been agreed that the new paperback (see no. 248) should be given the title Tree and Leaf. Rayner Unwin asked if Tolkien could suggest a suitable ...
18 January 1964
J.R.R. Tolkien to Justin Arundale
Tolkien replies to Justin Arundale aged ten explaining that the Silmarillion will not be published for some time yet. He closes by asking him to tell hi...
28 February 1964
J.R.R. Tolkien to James Heaf
Tolkien answers a question about what Hal saw on the North Moors - Tolkien does not think it was an Entwife, but likely a troll. He also recommends Heaf...
5 March 1964
J.R.R. Tolkien to Eileen Elgar
Carpenter #255
Eileen Elgar wrote to Tolkien asking for information about The Silmarillion. Included in his reply was a nine page manuscript, with genealogical tree il...
30 May 1964
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mr Peel
Tolkien apologizes for having trouble reading Mr Peel's signature and was pleased that he liked his work. He states that The Silmarillion will not be pu...
8 July 1964
J.R.R. Tolkien to James Heaf
In an earlier letter Tolkien had suggested that James Heaf read his forthcoming book The Silmarillion. He now regrets that The Silmarillion might not be...
16 July 1964
J.R.R. Tolkien to Christopher Bretherton
Carpenter #257
Tolkien wrote that he usually typed letters because of his handwriting (which can be very difficult to read at times). He talks about the invention of h...
28 August 1964
J.R.R. Tolkien to E. Rasdall
Tolkien replies, thanking Mr. E. Rasdall for his interest in his writing and returns the copy of The Adventures of Tom Bombadil to be signed. Tolkien ex...
Mid to late 1960s
J.R.R. Tolkien to Michael Blashka
Joy Hill replies to a letter in which she is described as "his chief scribe". The Silmarillion is not yet ready for publication and no date is known. To...
22 February 1965
Rayner Unwin's Secretary to Ed Meskys
Rayner Unwin replies to a letter from Ed Meskys saying the Silmarillion will not be published for many years but that Sir Gawain and Pearl could be publ...
20 May 1965
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Carpenter #270
Tolkien had sent Unwin the typescript of his new story Smith of Wootton Major. It seemed to Unwin to need the companionship of other stories to make a s...
12 September 1965
J.R.R. Tolkien to Dick Plotz
Carpenter #276
Tolkien writes about The Silmarillion, the Númenórean legends, and his friendship with C.S. Lewis. He discusses the formation of the Tolkien Society o...
12 September 1965
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Carpenter #277
In August 1965 Ballantine Books produced the first ‘authorized’ American paperback of The Hobbit, without incorporating Tolkien’s revisions to the...
18 December 1965
J.R.R. Tolkien to Clyde S. Kilby
Carpenter #282
Professor Kilby, of Wheaton College, Illinois, had met Tolkien while visiting Oxford in 1964. He now offered to return to England and help Tolkien in an...
23 February 1966
J.R.R. Tolkien to W.H. Auden
Carpenter #284
Auden told Tolkien that he had agreed to write a short book about him, in collaboration with Peter H. Salus, for a seres entitled Christian Perspectives...
21 March 1966
J.R.R. Tolkien to George Sayer
Tolkien sends a letter to his friend George Sayer firstly expressing his sorrow about Sayers wife Moira. She has been very ill of late. He had hoped tha...
8 April 1966
J.R.R. Tolkien to Roger Verhulst
Tolkien replies to Roger Verhulst's letter about the US paperback rights to Essays Presented to Charles Williams, and he reiterates his objections to a ...
27 April 1966
J.R.R. Tolkien to A. E. Couchman
Carpenter #286
The following is one of many short replies that Tolkien wrote at this period of his life to readers who asked questions about his books. Its characteris...
1 June 1966
Tolkien's Secretary to Mr [Royston F.] Porthouse
Secretarial letter to Mr Porthouse wirth mention that Tolkien's next book will be The Silmarillion.
11 October 1966
J.R.R. Tolkien to Clyde S. Kilby
Carpenter #289b
Tolkien discusses his and Edith's Mediterranean cruise and the bust of him at the English Faculty in Oxford. Excerpts from the letter have been publishe...
28 November 1966
J.R.R. Tolkien to Clyde S. Kilby
Tolkien writes to Clyde S. Kilby making mention that he is pleased that Kilby has finally received the correct medication and says that he is yet to con...
8 December 1966
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mr. Marsh
Tolkien writes to James S. Marsh and sends him three copies of his autograph to stick in his books.
23 May 1967
Rayner Unwin to Mr Hooton
Rayner writes to Mr Hooton about The Silmarillion. He describes Tolkien as "a perfectionist" and does not expect publication for a few years. He also st...
16 June 1967
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mr Hooton
Tolkien writes to Mr Hooton about progress on The Silmarillion, which has been delayed due to the complications presented in the United States from the ...
August 1967
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mr Rang
Carpenter #297
At the top, Tolkien has written: ‘Some reflections in preparing an answer to a letter from one Mr Rang about investigations into my nomenclature. In t...
June 4, 1968
J.R.R. Tolkien to Colin Smythe
On April 11, Colin Smythe wrote back to Tolkien, saying he will look for Winter's Tales For Children but hopes Tolkien could provide a new poem, and als...
16 October 1968
J.R.R. Tolkien to Niall Hoskin
Tolkien writes about his languages and talks about Westron or the Common Speech.
8 November 1968
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mr. Brown
A secretarial letter with a PS from Tolkien who explains that he is too busy writing The Silmarillion to answer questions.
10 March 1969
Joy Hill to Colin Smythe
On March 7, Smythe wrote that he understands Tolkien's inability to contribute a poem, but Smythe would rather see The Silmarillion be published in any ...
25 November 1969
J.R.R. Tolkien to Michael Tolkien
Carpenter #313
Tolkien wishes he had an 'elven' grammar and vocabulary.
Late 1969 or January 1970
Joy Hill to Mike O'Brien
This letter was published in the letter column of the January 1970 issue (Volume Two, Number One) of Carandaith, the journal of the Australian Tolkien S...
1 January 1970
J.R.R. Tolkien to Michael George Tolkien
Carpenter #315
Tolkien discusses his problems with progressing with the Silmarillion. An additional portion of the letter has been quoted on Michael Tolkien's website.
16 March 1971
J.R.R. Tolkien to Tony Davison
Tolkien is very busy working on the Silmarillion but is very glad that his books have brought Davison enjoyment.
18 March 1971
J.R.R. Tolkien to William Cater
Carpenter #322
Tolkien writes about progress on the Silmarillion.
7 April 1971
Tolkien's Secretary to Randy Trimmer
Tolkien sends a standard form reply to Mr. Trimmer, apologising for not being able to write anything personal as he is working on The Silmarillion. This...
14 June 1971
Tolkien's Secretary to Mr. Ballard
Tolkien apologises for not sending a personal reply and explains that he is to busy with the Silmarillion to answer personal questions.
1st July 1971
Joy Hill to Jan Bosmans
Joy Hill tries to dissuade a student from writing his thesis about The Lord of the Rings due to the immense amount of unpublished material he doesn't ha...
17 July 1971
J.R.R. Tolkien to Roger Lancelyn Green
Carpenter #325
Tolkien writes about Aman and what happens to mortals, such as Frodo, when they go there. In a portion published in the C.S. Lewis Biography by Green To...
17 July 1971
J.R.R. Tolkien to A.I. Mackay
Tolkien thanks Mr Mackay for a chart and information that he sent him about Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.
8 November 1971
J.R.R. Tolkien to Michael Tolkien
Carpenter #330a
Tolkien writes to Michael about how little time he has to work on The Silmarillion and about any prospects of feature films, he believes that no films w...
18 May 1972
J.R.R. Tolkien to Michael Salmon
Carpenter #335
Tolkien explains that he does not have time to comment on his works.
11 July 1972
J.R.R. Tolkien to Christopher Tolkien
Carpenter #340
Tolkien writes to Christopher about Edith, her headstone, his thoughts of her as Lúthien and a visit to GA&U's headquarters.
October 3, 1972
Ballantine Books to John David Cofield
A photocopy/form letter on Ballantine Books letterhead sent in response to a fan letter. The letter thanks David for writing and for his enthusiasm, and...
23 November 1972
J.R.R. Tolkien to Donald Glover
Carpenter #343a
Tolkien declines to discuss C.S. Lewis and states that he is still trying to work on The Silmarillion.
Jan 4, 1973
Joy Hill to Phil Rose
Joy Hill responds to a fan query about The Silmarillion, saying that for death duty (tax) reasons, it cannot be published while he is alive.
17 January 1973
Tolkien's secretary to Mr. N.J. Kyle
Tolkien's secretary writing on behalf of Tolkien, states that he is very busy and cannot write letters currently.
24 January 1973
J.R.R. Tolkien to Sterling Lanier
Carpenter #347b
Tolkien writes, thanking Lanier for the book The War for the Lot by Lanier himself. Tolkien says that he found it quite original, and frightening. Tolki...
29 March 1973
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mr. Giusti
Tolkien writes to a reader giving an update on his next book, The Silmarillion "which is already written but in need of revision".
7 May 1973
Tolkien's Secretary to J. Bryce Milligan
Reply of thanks. Mention of The Silmarillion being "far from complete".
4 August 1973
J.R.R. Tolkien to Lord Halsbury
Carpenter #353
Tolkien writes about his current views on Galadriel which changed frequently through out his life.
11 January 1978
Christopher Tolkien to Francisco Perrúa
Christopher Tolkien replies to Francisco Perrúa, the Spanish translator of his fathers work, 6 months after he received a letter from him about his wor...
20th October, 1978
Rayner Unwin to Bernie Zuber
Rayner Unwin thanks Bernie Zuber and the membership of the World Science Fiction Convention for awarding J.R.R. Tolkien with the "Gandalf Award" in 1977...