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(did you mean Carpenter's Letter #90?)

TCG Letter #90 / Carpenter Letter #56

J.R.R. Tolkien
Christopher Tolkien
1 March 1944
Tolkien notes the lack of humorous anecdotes due to limited social interactions in recent weeks. He also mentions an encounter with Lewis, who is energetic and jolly but attracting unwanted publicity. The letter criticizes a misrepresentative newspaper paragraph about Lewis, emphasizing the inaccuracy of media portrayals. The weather is described as still very cold with recent snow, but signs of spring are appearing, such as crocus blooms and budding greenery.

In the 2023 revised edition of Letters, a section at the top is restored where Tolkien remarks that while at breakfast he and Edith received Christopher's “EFM code cable”see for more information on communication between servicemen overseas and their families.[1] , and mentions a few more details of communcation attempts back and forth between them. Tolkien hopes that Christopher may be able to visit Bloemfontein, where Tolkien was born.

1 see for more information on communication between servicemen overseas and their families.
The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien (1981), p. 68, p. 438 (Carpenter note)
Please note that in 'Letters', 1981, this letter had a single note from Carpenter, the newly published expanded version has 3, the original note is now renumbered as 'Note 3'.
Cartas de J.R.R. Tolkien, pp. 109-11, p. 623 (notas de Carpenter)
Fæder his suna (Father to Son. FS) No. 6

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