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(did you mean Carpenter's Letter #92?)

TCG Letter #92 / Carpenter Letter #58

J.R.R. Tolkien
Christopher Tolkien
3 April 1944
Tolkien recounts recent events, including a cycle ride to Pembroke, a train journey to Birmingham, and a visit to his hometown. During the train journey, he engages in a conversation with an R.A.F. officer and a young American officer, challenging the latter's views on "Feudalism" and the "Oxford Accent." The author then strolls around Birmingham, observing the changes in the city, and attends a gathering of Old Boys at his former school. He reflects on the new school buildings and is surprised to find that he is remembered by fellow alumni for his rugby skills and taste in colored socks.

In a newly published portion,Letters, 2023[1] Tolkien continues to describe his walk where he met a man who shook his hand. He describes his hometown in some detail.

Priscilla breaks up for holiday from tomorrow, and Tolkien has been invited by Gwyn Jones to Aberystwyth during the break.

Tolkien says that he has not heard from either John or Michael. He apologizes that this letter been all about himself, saying that he relies on Edith to send the local news.

1 Letters, 2023
The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien (1981), pp. 69-70, p. 438 (Carpenter note)
Cartas de J.R.R. Tolkien, pp. 112-5, pp. 623-4 (notas de Carpenter)
Fæder his suna (Father to Son. FS) No. 13

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