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2 Aug, 2013
2013-8-2 8:30:56 PM UTC
You have to wonder in what mental state someone would have to be to pay $5,000 for a documentary that has has just been posted, in full, on this site; in English. Or better still, what on earth the seller thinks is the purpose in listing at such a price. We laugh at poor old eBay, but private sellers on Amazon are ten times worse. Utterly moronic. I mean, even if this wasn't available online, you could get your video put on to DVD for a peanuts.

I think everyone here on TCG should boycott Amazon on the grounds that it's mocking book collectors; from Luxembourg, or wherever it's based... Go on!, Khamûl has --why don't you?

2 Aug, 2013
2013-8-2 10:45:20 PM UTC
Ha! Seems like I should take the trouble then to send my Film Portrait to one of those VHS-to-DVD services. It's been ages since I had a VHS player, and I became a bit curious to watch it now (and I would save some $3980.00!).
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