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21 Mar, 2021
2021-3-21 3:12:57 PM UTC
Finally received my copy. It is a handsome book in hand. I half expected it to look a little like I was tripping but I like it very much.
21 Mar, 2021
2021-3-21 7:49:34 PM UTC

onthetrail wrote:

Finally received my copy. It is a handsome book in hand. I half expected it to look a little like I was tripping but I like it very much.

Remembrancer or deluxe Sil? Remembrancer doesn't seem especially trippy.
21 Mar, 2021
2021-3-21 9:14:07 PM UTC

Stu wrote:

onthetrail wrote:

Finally received my copy. It is a handsome book in hand. I half expected it to look a little like I was tripping but I like it very much.

Remembrancer or deluxe Sil? Remembrancer doesn't seem especially trippy.

Remembrancer. I thought it looked way to green to my eyes. I like it. Just need to find time to read the thing now. It falls into a long stack of still unread books though.
21 Mar, 2021
2021-3-21 9:21:05 PM UTC

onthetrail wrote:

Stu wrote:

onthetrail wrote:

Finally received my copy. It is a handsome book in hand. I half expected it to look a little like I was tripping but I like it very much.

Remembrancer or deluxe Sil? Remembrancer doesn't seem especially trippy.

Remembrancer. I thought it looked way to green to my eyes. I like it. Just need to find time to read the thing now. It falls into a long stack of still unread books though.

Ahh. I quite like the green from what I have seen in the photos. Agree with you re the time for reading, though.
23 Mar, 2021
2021-3-23 12:35:13 AM UTC
Unexpectedly, my Remembrancer from BD arrived today -- undamaged. Fortunately they had not used one of the rubbish little envelopes.
23 Mar, 2021
2021-3-23 1:07:03 AM UTC

Stu wrote:

Unexpectedly, my Remembrancer from BD arrived today -- undamaged. Fortunately they had not used one of the rubbish little envelopes.

Well that's good! I have my replacement coming, so all's well now.
26 Mar, 2021
2021-3-26 6:55:07 PM UTC
To anyone reading this (or Mr. Unwin), I'd be interested to know if the text was revised/corrected. The first edition/print has a fair amount of small typos that would be noticeable to anyone reading the book cover to cover. Since I've already read the book I won't be going through the new edition anytime soon. Thank you!
25 Apr, 2021
2021-4-25 5:13:58 PM UTC
Picture of Merlin Unwin, portrait of Sir Stanley Unwin and bronze bust of J.R.R. Tolkien
23 May, 2021 (edited)
2021-5-23 11:49:41 AM UTC

Berelach wrote:

To anyone reading this (or Mr. Unwin), I'd be interested to know if the text was revised/corrected. The first edition/print has a fair amount of small typos that would be noticeable to anyone reading the book cover to cover. Since I've already read the book I won't be going through the new edition anytime soon. Thank you!

I've just finished reading the new edition/print and have come across many small typos. So my guess is that the answer to your question, Berelach, is no, the text was not corrected, though I don't have a copy of the first edition/print to compare to. Another round of proofreading would surely have been nice.

Apart from that, it was a nice read. It's great to have Rayner Unwin's view on events in this book. I especially liked the part about how surprised A&U were to learn that Tolkien had offered the LotR/Simarillion manuscripts package to another publisher (Collins).
25 May, 2021
2021-5-25 1:41:48 PM UTC

NoUse wrote:

Berelach wrote:

To anyone reading this (or Mr. Unwin), I'd be interested to know if the text was revised/corrected. The first edition/print has a fair amount of small typos that would be noticeable to anyone reading the book cover to cover. Since I've already read the book I won't be going through the new edition anytime soon. Thank you!

I've just finished reading the new edition/print and have come across many small typos. So my guess is that the answer to your question, Berelach, is no, the text was not corrected, though I don't have a copy of the first edition/print to compare to. Another round of proofreading would surely have been nice.

Apart from that, it was a nice read. It's great to have Rayner Unwin's view on events in this book. I especially liked the part about how surprised A&U were to learn that Tolkien had offered the LotR/Simarillion manuscripts package to another publisher (Collins).

Thanks NoUse!
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