onthetrail wrote:
Surely that is a mistake? How would Chapter II - Roast Mutton begin on page 28?
Perhaps the additional notes from Hammond and Scull are changing the page count a bit...
onthetrail wrote:
Surely that is a mistake? How would Chapter II - Roast Mutton begin on page 28?
A guess would be that the page numbering starts from Chapter I, and that Roman numerals, are used for prior pages. I can see that making Chapter II starting on page 28.
Trotter wrote:
onthetrail wrote:
Surely that is a mistake? How would Chapter II - Roast Mutton begin on page 28?
A guess would be that the page numbering starts from Chapter I, and that Roman numerals, are used for prior pages. I can see that making Chapter II starting on page 28.
That is the case I think. The first edition started at page 11 for chapter 1 but more recent editions started at page 3, with chapter 2 at page 27. Cheers Trotter.
Mr. Underhill wrote:
Looks like they are moving the colored "The Hill" back as the frontispiece, thanks for nudging HC in the right direction Trotter!
I did beg them to move it back for this edition, which it looks like may have happened. I would really love the coloured image of The Hill to be back permanently as the frontispiece, as that is where it is meant to be in the book.
I wonder why there is such a price difference between the US and UK copies.
The UK copy is $55 whereas the US is $71 (at this moment)
The UK copy is $55 whereas the US is $71 (at this moment)
Falkor wrote:
I wonder why there is such a price difference between the US and UK copies.
The UK copy is $55 whereas the US is $71 (at this moment)
Give it time, the prices will fluctuate between now and then. Most retailers don't charge you until it ships anyway.
We now have an image with what the color the page edges will be (courtesy of a J.R.R. Tolkien Facebook Post)

Edit: Hadn't seen the initial post was already updated with it -- Mods feel free to delete, as I don't see the option to do so myself anymore.

Edit: Hadn't seen the initial post was already updated with it -- Mods feel free to delete, as I don't see the option to do so myself anymore.
HarperCollins has announced plans to publish a brand new edition of The Hobbit, illustrated with “a greatly enhanced” gallery of 50 paintings, maps and drawings by author J R R Tolkien.
HarperCollins holds world rights in all languages for the works of J R R Tolkien and the new edition of The Hobbit will be published in September 2023, and subsequently in translation around the world.
Chris Smith, publishing director, said: “Since it was first published in 1937, Tolkien’s The Hobbit has become a timeless classic, enchanting generations of readers around the world. Tolkien famously not only wrote the story, he illustrated it as well, and the 13 charming paintings and black and white illustrations he produced are as well known as the story of Bilbo and his quest to reach the mountain lair of Smaug the Dragon.
“But this is only a part of the story. The tale of the little hobbit on a big adventure was first read by the professor to his children as part of their winter reads, using his ‘home manuscript’ of the story. Imagine hearing the tale told to you by its author, spun from golden yarn as he wove the adventure for you, thread by thread?
“Christopher Tolkien recalls that special time in his foreword included in this new illustrated edition of The Hobbit, and leading Tolkien scholars Wayne G Hammond and Christina Scull add that, in this ‘home manuscript’, Tolkien would have been free to illustrate his story using any medium he wanted: coloured pencil, chalk, crayon, ink and washes, a far cry from the restrictions imposed by the publisher on the illustrations printed in the published book.
“Now, in this new edition, readers will at last be able to enjoy the full panoply of Tolkien’s paintings, drawings, maps and designs that richly capture the enchanted world of Bilbo Baggins.”
https://www.thebookseller.com/news/har ... -tolkiens-home-manuscript