6 Dec, 2008
2008-12-6 1:20:23 PM UTC
Here's a link to a book for sale on ebay
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/The-Children-of ... |65%3A3|39%3A1|240%3A1318- is anyone else unhappy with the drawing (and the signature?) I've seen actual drawings of this kind by Le (indeed, I've seen him doing them) and this one looks wrong.
Check the vendor's other items - there is (or was) an iffy Silmarillion - he'd said it could have been one for Tolkien's approval until he was told that JRR died in 73.
Possibly iffy Lee drawings... Something to watch, perhaps?
6 Dec, 2008
2008-12-6 1:25:44 PM UTC
- there's another copy for sale here -
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Tolkien-Childre ... |65%3A3|39%3A1|240%3A1318- this one does look right (though it's reproduced smaller). the lines are generally better; and the left eye in particular looks like it's done by a professional artist; unlike the first example.
Also - the drawings are the same! I don't know if Lee did all his 'elf' drawings the same; but I seem to remember a bit more variety when I've seen him doing it!
6 Dec, 2008
2008-12-6 4:59:33 PM UTC
I'd agree; there are a few things not quite right with the first listing (although I'm no expert on drawings or signatures; and have no special interest in them.)
Lee's signature is usually always rising from left to right (i.e. isn't written level to page); and almost always in the bottom right of the page. This date equates to Moreton on the Saturday; Lee wasn't anywhere else that day. But, this fact is well known. The date also doesn't look quite right. Again, too straight; a bit 'shaky' looking -as if done quite slowly.
The drawing is okay -mabey a little large; but has anyone else seen Lee do anything else? Lee almost always does this kind of picture: usually large; quite light on the page; and portrait, showing profile.
But dogfark is surely known to someone. Lists a lot of stuff. Haven't heard of anyone questioning their auctions before; although I do recall that other ridiculous auction claim!
7 Dec, 2008
2008-12-7 8:52:17 AM UTC
I'm quite unhappy about this!

The first one:
This drawing and signature are certainly fake.
If you look at Lee's other drawings, they are much more detailed (and a lot better shaped!).
Also this drawing is 'rough' drawed, with almost no shadows but under his neck. And that shadowy spot isn't the way Lee draws his shadows; he draws them soft and with almost no clear lines in it...
The second one: a very nice example of a genuine drawing and signature

Conclusion: I'd rather have the second one than the first one

7 Dec, 2008
2008-12-7 2:20:00 PM UTC
I don't think there is any question at all. The first one is an insult to Alan Lee. It looks like a high school art student did it. (And that might be an insult to high school art students!) You really gotta be careful when it comes to this kind of stuff (signatures, etc.). That is one of the best reasons to stick to signed and "limited" editions that contain a specific limitation plate from the publisher. I suppose this thread lends more support to the many upset members in the 'Tales from the Perilous Realm Deluxe" thread.
8 Dec, 2008
2008-12-8 3:59:31 AM UTC
5 Jan, 2009
2009-1-5 2:47:23 PM UTC
Seller has subsequently re-listed (despite
Beren contacted him); buy-it-now £275...
Not a very good drawing I admit, but I was told he did 6-7 of these in a row quickly thus allowances should be made. I'll be happy to show the buyer around a dozen pictures if similar Alan Lee sketches in signed copies (several the same as this one) if you have any concerns about the authenticity.
Alan Lee Drawing
Any thoughts on the sale (or AL's drawing...)?