billhinge wrote:
To be honest I never look at them any more partly due to my huge disappointment in the drowning of Beleriand in the Silmarillion which is why I bought 2 copies of the Atlas of Middle Earth
As I said.... Heathen

onthetrail wrote:
billhinge wrote:
To be honest I never look at them any more partly due to my huge disappointment in the drowning of Beleriand in the Silmarillion which is why I bought 2 copies of the Atlas of Middle Earth
As I said.... Heathen
And in real life who wouldn't make an archaeological dig to Tol Morwen dig up the 'shards of Anglachel' assuming they could find it on a map?
billhinge wrote:
onthetrail wrote:
billhinge wrote:
To be honest I never look at them any more partly due to my huge disappointment in the drowning of Beleriand in the Silmarillion which is why I bought 2 copies of the Atlas of Middle Earth
As I said.... Heathen
And in real life who wouldn't make an archaeological dig to Tol Morwen dig up the 'shards of Anglachel' assuming they could find it on a map?
Wait, if they don't have a later map, would they be searching for the River Teiglin of old? See, you need a map billhinge

onthetrail wrote:
billhinge wrote:
onthetrail wrote:
billhinge wrote:
To be honest I never look at them any more partly due to my huge disappointment in the drowning of Beleriand in the Silmarillion which is why I bought 2 copies of the Atlas of Middle Earth
As I said.... Heathen
And in real life who wouldn't make an archaeological dig to Tol Morwen dig up the 'shards of Anglachel' assuming they could find it on a map?
Wait, if they don't have a later map, would they be searching for the River Teiglin of old? See, you need a map billhinge
I do agree they need a map, when I was younger and first read the books I'm sure like many I tried to cross ref first and third age maps but couldn't and afaik Tol Morwen isn't on any official Tolkien created map is my point? Hence I alway wonder why it wasn't added?
billhinge wrote:
onthetrail wrote:
billhinge wrote:
onthetrail wrote:
billhinge wrote:
To be honest I never look at them any more partly due to my huge disappointment in the drowning of Beleriand in the Silmarillion which is why I bought 2 copies of the Atlas of Middle Earth
As I said.... Heathen
And in real life who wouldn't make an archaeological dig to Tol Morwen dig up the 'shards of Anglachel' assuming they could find it on a map?
Wait, if they don't have a later map, would they be searching for the River Teiglin of old? See, you need a map billhinge
I do agree they need a map, when I was younger and first read the books I'm sure like many I tried to cross ref first and third age maps but couldn't and afaik Tol Morwen isn't on any official Tolkien created map is my point? Hence I alway wonder why it wasn't added?
That I certainly don't know. It was positioned by Fonstad iirc?
I loved looking at the maps, like most children of previous times. I wonder if kids now still enjoy those things. They don't appear to do any of the things we did as children.
Halbarad wrote:
Apparently some moron thinks he can publish a sequel to the Lord of The rings called “The Fellowship of The King” and sell it on Amazon?? Has anyone heard of this??
Plagiarism ... d-of-rings-amazon-series/
Trotter wrote:
Halbarad wrote:
Apparently some moron thinks he can publish a sequel to the Lord of The rings called “The Fellowship of The King” and sell it on Amazon?? Has anyone heard of this??
Plagiarism ... d-of-rings-amazon-series/
My favorite line is "He wrote an original book called Fellowship of the King"

Amazon finally deleted the listing, I would imagine being sued by the author does not help if you want to sell books on the platform.
Trotter wrote:
Amazon finally deleted the listing, I would imagine being sued by the author does not help if you want to sell books on the platform.
lol probably not. Although, I was honestly surprised that Amazon listed it at all. I noticed it about a month ago, but I have no idea how long it was up before that. I wonder how much permission it will give the tolkien estate to move against amazon for falling asleep at the wheel and distributing said copyright material. If this guy actually sold any of those books on amazon, they would make money off of it as well. Might be a pretty ugly tangle for them.