Halbarad wrote:
What’s your take on the quality of the binding and paper? There are some concerns with some who have received theirs already that it’s cheaper than they expected, and maybe not good to read.
Not sure what issues they have, I can see no problems at all with the paper, or the binding, it is glued, but then that is how these books are produced in today's market. The slipcase also seems to be well-made and I cannot see any issues there.
Halbarad wrote:
What’s your take on the quality of the binding and paper? There are some concerns with some who have received theirs already that it’s cheaper than they expected, and maybe not good to read.
I would question a vague criteria of “cheaper than expected” without knowing someone’s individual expectations at a given price point which would vary with every buyer.
Also “not good to read” is an impossibly qualitative standard that I don’t think any can really address without knowing specifically what the person means by that.
Sorry, when I said “not good to read” I mean that if it were to be read or handled, that it would fall apart easily. There are quite a few books that start falling apart after 1 to 2 read through.
I don’t have my order yet, which is why I ask. I’ve just been seeing the posts on Facebook and Reddit that people are disappointed. I think they were hoping for the Alan Lee illustrated level of quality, which this is apparently not.
I don’t have my order yet, which is why I ask. I’ve just been seeing the posts on Facebook and Reddit that people are disappointed. I think they were hoping for the Alan Lee illustrated level of quality, which this is apparently not.
Trotter wrote:
Not sure what issues they have, I can see no problems at all with the paper, or the binding, it is glued, but then that is how these books are produced in today's market. The slipcase also seems to be well-made and I cannot see any issues there.
Glad to hear it! I haven’t read through history of middle earth yet, and now that the POD are gone, I was hoping to use this set for my first read through.

2 Dec, 2023
2023-12-2 10:38:38 PM UTC
Edited by Scarlet_Sorcerer on 2023-12-3 12:26:42 AM UTC
2023-12-2 10:38:38 PM UTC
Exactly: many seem to forget that The Nature of Middle-earth was designed very similar.
The real question though is: how do these compare to the On-Demand Facsimile Editions of 2010??
The real question though is: how do these compare to the On-Demand Facsimile Editions of 2010??
Halbarad wrote:
I think they were hoping for the Alan Lee illustrated level of quality, which this is apparently not.
The Alan Lee books are illustrated, these are not, but I think that was made clear. Apart from that, which as non-illustrated books is not an issue for me, what other evidence has come up of lower quality than the Alan Lee books?
Yeah I didn’t mean Illustrated, When I say quality I meant quality of the materials. I’m sure everyone understood that it wasn’t going to be illustrated as well.
I’m comparing my other books to each other now. (Dont have the new HoME yet) and it looks like the NoME, B&L, FoG and the Tales of PR are very similar to what’s being described of the new HoME, thin paper, light weight, glued binding, simple but good.
The Alan Lee boxed set Hobbit+LoTR, Silmarillion, FoN, and UT all seem much heavier, have thicker paper, and sewn bindings with bookmarks.
I’ll for sure compare them to the others when my order arrives, I very much doubt I’ll be disappointed.
From those I’ve chatted with on FB and Reddit I think they were hoping for the sewn binding and thicker paper like the LoTR equivalents, given that those books individually would cost pretty much the same.
I’m comparing my other books to each other now. (Dont have the new HoME yet) and it looks like the NoME, B&L, FoG and the Tales of PR are very similar to what’s being described of the new HoME, thin paper, light weight, glued binding, simple but good.
The Alan Lee boxed set Hobbit+LoTR, Silmarillion, FoN, and UT all seem much heavier, have thicker paper, and sewn bindings with bookmarks.
I’ll for sure compare them to the others when my order arrives, I very much doubt I’ll be disappointed.
From those I’ve chatted with on FB and Reddit I think they were hoping for the sewn binding and thicker paper like the LoTR equivalents, given that those books individually would cost pretty much the same.
scarletsorcerer wrote:
I’m more curious how they stack up against the On-Demand ones, to be honest.
Me too! I’m torn as to whether or not I still want to get the PoD ones.
That way I could display both jacket designs lol
Not only that, if they’re the same overall quality of the POD ones…OK that’s not terrible. If they’re better, cool! But if they’re worse…..now THAT’S cause for complaint.
I wasn’t sure how well-received the POD ones initially were: did the paper or binding matter back then? Or were fans happy that they were being offered, period?
I wasn’t sure how well-received the POD ones initially were: did the paper or binding matter back then? Or were fans happy that they were being offered, period?