I'll just sell one of my smaller companies and scoop those up! (I own no companies, to be clear.)Trotter wrote:
Predictable Matt wrote:
Why £995 at the end? Why not £999.99??
Maybe the seller doesn't want to look overly aggressive in pricing....
Predictable Matt wrote:
Trotter wrote:
Why £995 at the end? Why not £999.99??
The psychology of pricing is a funny old thing. Retailers still use the 99 method believing that it maximizes sales. 95 also makes things feel much cheaper to certain people but most of us have gotten past that now. But still older shoppers are influenced by the decimal and often in their minds they consider something that is 14.99 to be 14 as they skip the numbers afterwards. Of course they pay the effective 15 but feel they have paid less. Barmy notions but I've had those psychological questions argued at me when I was a retail manager.
I don’t get this guys obsession with restoration and unrestored items. Does he realize that most fine art has been restored in some manner? Not all restoration is inherently bad.