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4 March
2024-3-4 5:22:50 PM UTC

garm wrote:

Seems the Raft Elves picture is still up for sale -

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Seller: arts_sports
Ends Sep 16, 2024 2:29:44 PM UTC
Any way to report this to the Tolkien Estate?
5 March
2024-3-5 3:43:38 AM UTC
The Tolkien Estate representative is Cathleen Blackburn at
5 March
2024-3-5 5:05:06 PM UTC
Just for clarification for folks who come to the thread later, it was mentioned earlier on the thread that Marquette's social media shared this: "Those outside the United States who wish to purchase a copy should email [email protected]" Looks like there are currently 87 copies left according to the public listing ( ... softcover-second-edition/).

Yes, I can confirm that I've managed to get in contact with Mary at the museum over the last few days - she was very helpful and put through an order for me to the UK.

Shipping to the UK is still 50USD as mentioned elsewhere in the thread, but once these books are gone they'll be gone I suppose.

19 June
2024-6-19 4:09:50 AM UTC

chickenphoenix wrote:

Just for clarification for folks who come to the thread later, it was mentioned earlier on the thread that Marquette's social media shared this: "Those outside the United States who wish to purchase a copy should email [email protected]" Looks like there are currently 87 copies left according to the public listing ( ... softcover-second-edition/).

Yes, I can confirm that I've managed to get in contact with Mary at the museum over the last few days - she was very helpful and put through an order for me to the UK.

Shipping to the UK is still 50USD as mentioned elsewhere in the thread, but once these books are gone they'll be gone I suppose.

I'm in Sweden and have a copy of the softcover - as new, unread - which I'd be happy to sell for $58 plus shipping i.e. same price as the Haggerty Shop + $3 to cover the cost of a padded jiffy bag (yeah those aren't cheap here when you buy decent ones individually).

Shipping to UK would be $22 (unfortunately it will weigh just over 1kg when packed) - EU would be $27. So saving a bit at least.

Just message me if interested.
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