LanceFormation wrote:
That’s a really nice haul! Congrats!
Thank you LanceFormation !
A few months later, it's time for a little update:
- LOTR box 78 (10/9/9)
- Hobbit US (3rd/24th)
- A Guide to Middle-earth (1st/2nd)
- Hobbit, UK (2nd/13th)
- Hobbit UK (3rd/17th)
- Le Seigneur des Anneaux, hardback French edition 1992
- Feuille, de Niggle, unique French edition 1994
Very happy with these finds, considering that it seems more and more difficult to find editions in very good condition at reasonable prices on the current market.
(And thank you Berelach for the UK Hobbits

northman wrote:
(and perhaps a mod can move this thread from the marketplace?)
Had not noticed that, moved, thank you.
1 package => 44 books (mainly French editions) !!! I am becoming specialized in massive packages
I wasn't the only buyer since I collect copies for friends but... imagine the pleasure when you open a package like this

I wasn't the only buyer since I collect copies for friends but... imagine the pleasure when you open a package like this

C'est magnifique! Thanks for sharing! And all of those look to be in good condition. Although the art on the Ballantine paperbacks was terrible, I have a soft spot in my heart for them as they were my first experience with Tolkien. For some reason that I can no longer remember I had read Lord of the Rings before the Hobbit, and I finished Return of the King a just before Ash Wednesday. I loved reading so much as a kid that I gave up recreational reading during Lent as my Lenten sacrifice. I'll never forget waking up bright and early on Easter morning to read for the first time "In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit." I read that Ballantine Hobbit straight through all in one sitting on Easter morning (plus three more books later in the day).