26 May, 2024
2024-5-26 12:40:54 PM UTC

I was looking at
King Edward's School Chronicles this morning and found that the
KES archives have at some point been updated with new (or better quality) files. I was specially interested in the
KES Chronicles issue for
June 1911 as a page from it was missing.
The search function brings up a lot results for Tolkien, and while many of these entries have been online for many years, some files are updated with better scans. Well worth having a rummage through the
26 May, 2024
2024-5-26 1:39:21 PM UTC
I see that the ever-elusive-yet-seemingly-ubiquitous Mr. Tolkein also attended KES!
(In other words: be sure to search on "Tolkein" as well as "Tolkien" if you're hunting down all mentions of the Professor)
26 May, 2024
2024-5-26 1:41:16 PM UTC
Aelfwine wrote:
I see that the ever-elusive-yet-seemingly-ubiquitous Mr. Tolkein also attended KES!
(In other words: be sure to search on "Tolkein" as well as "Tolkien" if you're hunting down all mentions of the Professor)
I feel almost ashamed not searching 'Tolkein'

it should be a standard search term...
Thanks Carl, much appreciated.
26 May, 2024
2024-5-26 6:37:09 PM UTC
Thanks for the heads-up,
onthetrail, that missing page from the June 1911 issue has bothered me for a while!
26 May, 2024
2024-5-26 8:21:40 PM UTC
Éarendel wrote:
Thanks for the heads-up, onthetrail, that missing page from the June 1911 issue has bothered me for a while!
Always a pleasure. I knew you'd be happy with that find.
There are some very interesting finds in among the archive there. It may be noted elsewhere and I've forgotten but little things such as Arthur Tolkien reading a paper on Sir Walter Scott, no extracts sadly but it's an avenue I will enjoy looking at. And nice things like the Chronicle noting Arthur's move to Bloemfontein and wishing him good fortune, leaving on 22 May 1889 to Port Elizabeth. They are tidbits, but very enjoyable to look through and imagine Arthur doing very similar things that Tolkien himself would become involved with in the same places.
27 May, 2024
2024-5-27 3:58:54 PM UTC
From the editorial of the 1977 issue no. 219:
"The publication of J. R. R. Tolkien’s biography in which the author made use of some material from School Chronicles and Old Edwardian Gazettes supplied by Dr. Blount, Norman Craig and the Editor (gratefully acknowledged by Mr. Carpenter) illustrate what a vast reservoir of historical interest must lie untapped in the Chronicles and Gazettes during almost a century and it is to be hoped someone will take upon himself the formidable but fascinating task of discovery. It is the purpose of the present School Librarian and your Editor to make quite sure that as far as practicable a complete set of Gazettes is safely deposited in the School Library for the use of (we hope) some future historian. Preliminary investigations have already taken place."
Job well done!