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A real Tolkien letter?

13 Jan, 2011 (edited)
2011-1-13 9:09:21 AM UTC

Hello everyone,

first of all I would like to apologize about my poor english, it is not my native language, not even my second, but I do my best.

I would like to know if this letter belongs to Tolkien:

Tolkien´s letter

I think is fake, but I´m not an expert.

Thank you very much for your help.

Kind regards.

125_4d31f90e934ce.jpg 323X431 px
13 Jan, 2011
2011-1-13 1:57:07 PM UTC
I agree that it appears to be fake. It bears a striking resemblance to the many fakes we have seen from ebay seller 'cavorite51.'

example: ... tible&hash=item2eb27528a1
13 Jan, 2011 (edited)
2011-1-13 2:55:11 PM UTC
It has even more of a resemblance to this fake item from cavorite51 ... tible&hash=item2eb24eb41c

as it is the same letter.

I have sent an email in spanish translated by Google informing them of the problem with the letter.

Thanks for finding this criatura. If you could contact them as well that would be useful.




I have just noticed that it is not the same letter as the cavorite51 (original fake below), this looks like a second go at faking the letter, as it does not have so many mistakes (though Oxford is spelled incorrectly) and it has been distressed more than the first letter. The date has also been removed from the second fake.

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14 Jan, 2011
2011-1-14 12:22:29 AM UTC
Thank you very much for your reply.

I have already contact with the seller, but he insist about the authenticity of the letter, even after showing to him the others fake letters and the article on

It´s quite sad.

Thank you again for your help.

Kind regards.
14 Jan, 2011
2011-1-14 12:57:13 AM UTC
Criatura, here is another article you could send the seller: ... ke_Tolkien_Signatures.php
17 Jan, 2011 (edited)
2011-1-17 7:46:37 AM UTC
I have edited my earlier post to include the fact that their are at least two fake letters in existence.

If you were to accept that the letters are real (by ignoring all the evidence) then why would Tolkien sign both copies, he would only send one to Pauline.
17 Jan, 2011
2011-1-17 9:38:26 PM UTC
I don't want to be a pendant here (& I know there are some issues with posting comparison analysis of letters), but as a forum we need to post more images & less links (--or both!). Many links, particularly to eBay, expire; and, trawling through old threads, all one finds is comment(s) with no accompanying images. I've gone back into several threads (including this one) & posted images for future reference. Just a thought, Trotter...

18 Jan, 2011
2011-1-18 8:42:09 AM UTC
Khamul, I don't want to be a pendant either, but I don't mind being a pedant ...

- wellinghall
18 Jan, 2011
2011-1-18 7:20:14 PM UTC
I often think this was a genuine "Khamul, For heaven's sake what a pendant" moment...
18 Jan, 2011
2011-1-18 7:43:02 PM UTC
Yeh, you laugh it up boys!
You wouldn't have noticed, if it weren't for my pedantry, the letter in question was in fact a different letter, Trotter! *chuckle*

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