13 Jan, 2011
(edited)Edited by Khamul on 2011-1-15 7:44:41 PM UTC
2011-1-13 9:09:21 AM UTC
Hello everyone,
first of all I would like to apologize about my poor english, it is not my native language, not even my second, but I do my best.
I would like to know if this letter belongs to Tolkien:
Tolkien´s letterI think is fake, but I´m not an expert.
Thank you very much for your help.
Kind regards.
13 Jan, 2011
2011-1-13 1:57:07 PM UTC
14 Jan, 2011
2011-1-14 12:22:29 AM UTC
Thank you very much for your reply.
I have already contact with the seller, but he insist about the authenticity of the letter, even after showing to him the others fake letters and the article on
http://www.tolkienlibrary.com/press/fascimilesignatures.htmIt´s quite sad.
Thank you again for your help.
Kind regards.
14 Jan, 2011
2011-1-14 12:57:13 AM UTC
17 Jan, 2011
2011-1-17 9:38:26 PM UTC
I don't want to be a pendant here (& I know there are some issues with posting comparison analysis of letters), but as a forum we need to post more images & less links (--or both!). Many links, particularly to eBay, expire; and, trawling through old threads, all one finds is comment(s) with no accompanying images. I've gone back into several threads (including this one) & posted images for future reference. Just a thought, Trotter...
18 Jan, 2011
2011-1-18 8:42:09 AM UTC
Khamul, I don't want to be a pendant either, but I don't mind being a pedant ...

- wellinghall
18 Jan, 2011
2011-1-18 7:20:14 PM UTC
I often think this was a genuine "
Khamul, For heaven's sake what a pendant" moment...

18 Jan, 2011
2011-1-18 7:43:02 PM UTC
Yeh, you laugh it up boys!

You wouldn't have noticed, if it weren't for my pedantry, the letter in question was in fact a different letter,
Trotter! *