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5 Oct, 2023
2023-10-5 6:14:17 PM UTC
Always good to see a collection. I’ve never shown mine on here, but perhaps I will.
5 Oct, 2023
2023-10-5 6:30:49 PM UTC

Huan wrote:

Always good to see a collection. I’ve never shown mine on here, but perhaps I will.

We would love to see it.
5 Oct, 2023
2023-10-5 6:35:34 PM UTC
Wow. Great collections! Here is a part of mine.

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5 Oct, 2023
2023-10-5 6:44:54 PM UTC
I'll slightly paraphrase orfewspearl and say that here is all of my collection... including a lot with rather unassuming spines, and a pile of papers and magazines not exactly fitted for display purposes

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5 Oct, 2023
2023-10-5 7:28:44 PM UTC

Predictable Matt wrote:

I'll slightly paraphrase orfewspearl and say that here is all of my collection... including a lot with rather unassuming spines, and a pile of papers and magazines not exactly fitted for display purposes

Nice! I especially like the Charles Williams volume.
5 Oct, 2023
2023-10-5 7:47:26 PM UTC

orfewspearl wrote:

Predictable Matt wrote:

I'll slightly paraphrase orfewspearl and say that here is all of my collection... including a lot with rather unassuming spines, and a pile of papers and magazines not exactly fitted for display purposes

Nice! I especially like the Charles Williams volume.

Thanks I've whittled my collection a fair bit in the last few months and offloaded a lot, including some fairly scarce items, but feel very attached to that one.
5 Oct, 2023
2023-10-5 9:12:20 PM UTC
Thanks for sharing, orfewspearl and Predictable Matt, both great stuff!
8 Oct, 2023
2023-10-8 2:27:04 AM UTC

Éarendel wrote:

A clear day today, so just took some pictures of (most of) my current collection and figured it probably doesn’t hurt to share them here. I always love seeing pictures of other people’s collections myself! *hint, hint*

I am very jealous of your scholarly section. I am building
One myself and some I see on your shelves are very tough to find. Congrats!
9 Oct, 2023
2023-10-9 4:41:56 PM UTC

orfewspearl wrote:

Éarendel wrote:

A clear day today, so just took some pictures of (most of) my current collection and figured it probably doesn’t hurt to share them here. I always love seeing pictures of other people’s collections myself! *hint, hint*

I am very jealous of your scholarly section. I am building
One myself and some I see on your shelves are very tough to find. Congrats!

Thanks! I love searching for academic journals with contributions by Tolkien. They are indeed hard to find, but when you do find them, they are in most cases quite (well, relatively) cheap, as a lot of sellers are unaware of what treasures these journals contain. 🙂
9 Oct, 2023
2023-10-9 5:58:04 PM UTC
This reminded me that there is a listing on Abebooks of a complete run of Medium Aevum from 1932 to 2008, so it will contain two issues with Tolkien contributions:

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Medium aevum.
Availability: InStock

Though it's a hefty price if you're only interested in those two issues! And I dare not imagine the shipping cost for over 100 kgs....

And the seller won't part with individual issues - I did ask, but wouldn't be mentioning it here if they had said yes 😁
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