HarperCollins is giving away a signed copy of the 2011 Cor Blok Tolkien calendar
18 Nov, 2010
2010-11-18 5:51:07 AM UTC
2010-11-18 5:51:07 AM UTC

The calendar features fourteen paintings by the acclaimed Dutch artist, all of which are inspired by The Lord of the Rings. Cor Blok met and corresponded with J.R.R. Tolkien in the 1960s, and Tolkien admired the artist’s work so much that he purchased two paintings, one of which, The Battle of the Hornburg, appears in the calendar. Many of the other paintings have never been seen before, and appear for the very first time.
The calendar was put together by our very own board member, Beren so many thanks to him for all of his efforts!
The contest is open through November 30th so enter soon if you want a chance to win. And check out the calendar itself!
http://www.tolkien.co.uk/features/Pag ... endar2011Competition.aspx