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26 Jun, 2023
2023-6-26 6:01:56 PM UTC

onthetrail wrote:

Amon Rudh wrote:

May have been asked before but is there any likelihood of Finn and Hengest and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight being re-released as a standard hardback to match the recent volumes? Cheers

If Finn and Hengest is ever republished in hardback I hope it is an expanded edition that considers Widsith as an appendix.

Has Tolkien ever published or written anything extensively on Widsith? I know of the Chambers book on Widsith and that Tolkien lectured on Widsith in Leeds. But I wasn't aware of any essays on the subject, could you elaborate?
26 Jun, 2023
2023-6-26 6:34:29 PM UTC

ToTheBottleIGo wrote:

onthetrail wrote:

Amon Rudh wrote:

May have been asked before but is there any likelihood of Finn and Hengest and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight being re-released as a standard hardback to match the recent volumes? Cheers

If Finn and Hengest is ever republished in hardback I hope it is an expanded edition that considers Widsith as an appendix.

Has Tolkien ever published or written anything extensively on Widsith? I know of the Chambers book on Widsith and that Tolkien lectured on Widsith in Leeds. But I wasn't aware of any essays on the subject, could you elaborate?

Apologies, I see now I made that sound like Tolkien had written on it. I meant commentary. By a Flieger, Smol, etc. Something that considers Tolkien and words from Widsith. A little appendix would be a cool addition.
26 Jun, 2023
2023-6-26 6:46:16 PM UTC

onthetrail wrote:

Apologies, I see now I made that sound like Tolkien had written on it. I meant commentary. By a Flieger, Smol, etc. Something that considers Tolkien and words from Widsith. A little appendix would be a cool addition.

Thank you for the clarification. I for one would read that with great interest.
30 Jun, 2023 (edited)
2023-6-30 8:43:28 PM UTC
Tweaking Things a Little: Essays on the Epic Fantasy of J.R.R. Tolkien and G.R.R. Martin
By Thomas Honegger and Carolyne Larrington

"World-building, name-finding, language-crafting; the flaws in chivalric practice, and the ethics (Machiavellian and otherwise) that produce the moral complexities of Middle-earth and the Known World are thus the topics that Tweaking Things a Little considers. The modest title belies what lies within these covers: nimble readings, profound knowledge of the medieval world, original and provocative reading of both books and the TV show await the reader here. Pointing both back in time to the medieval underpinnings of Tolkien's creation and outwards to the contemporary world that informs Martin's pragmatic and politically astute thinking, these essays enthral, astonish and challenge. Best of all, they encourage us to journey back into Middle-earth and the Known World, with newly opened eyes and ears, to rediscover their wonders anew."

Carolyne Larrington, Professor of Medieval European Literature (University of Oxford), author of Winter is Coming: The Medieval World of 'Game of Thrones' (2015) and All Men Must Die: Power and Passion in 'Game of Thrones' (2021).

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Tweaking Things a Little. Essays on the Epic Fantasy of J.R.R. Tolkien and G.R.R. Martin (50) (Cormarë)

Walking Tree Publishers (2023-07-19)

$42.80 (USA Only) - Availability: Click to check
$38.92 Blackwell's (paperback) - Availability: Usually dispatched within 24 hours
$43.11 Biblio - Availability: Click to check
$41.25 (Paperback) - Availability: Now
£28.00 (Paperback) - Availability: Now
€53.85 (Taschenbuch) - Availability: Now
£42.90 AbeBooks - Availability: Click to check

5656_649f3e3f7eceb.jpg 333X499 px

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1 Jul, 2023
2023-7-1 7:45:33 AM UTC

zionius wrote:

Reissue(?) of The Art of the Lord of the Rings and The Art of the Hobbit
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The Art of the Lord of the Rings (UK HB)

HarperCollins (2023-05-11)

£25.00 HarperCollins (Hardback) - Availability: Click to check
£23.75 (UK Only) - Availability: Click to check
$30.27 Blackwell's (hardback) - Availability: Usually dispatched within 48 hours
$28.70 (Hardcover) - Availability: Now
£18.08 (Hardcover) - Availability: Now
€25.91 (Gebundene Ausgabe) - Availability: Now
€23.82 AbeBooks - Availability: Click to check

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The Art of the Hobbit (UK HB)

HarperCollins (2023-06-22)

£25.00 HarperCollins (Hardback) - Availability: Click to check
£23.75 (UK Only) - Availability: Click to check
$26.48 Blackwell's (hardback) - Availability: Usually dispatched within 7 days
$26.16 (Hardcover) - Availability: Now
£19.86 (Hardcover) - Availability: Now
€18.73 (Gebundene Ausgabe) - Availability: Now
€21.77 AbeBooks - Availability: Click to check

Hi everyone!
Has anyone bought the new edition of The Art of the Lord of the Rings and The Art of the Hobbit? Do you have any photos to share?
Thank you!
1 Jul, 2023
2023-7-1 5:22:40 PM UTC

Mauro D86 wrote:

Hi everyone!
Has anyone bought the new edition of The Art of the Lord of the Rings and The Art of the Hobbit? Do you have any photos to share?
Thank you!

2023 Art of the Lord of the Rings

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1 Jul, 2023
2023-7-1 5:23:47 PM UTC

Mauro D86 wrote:

Hi everyone!
Has anyone bought the new edition of The Art of the Lord of the Rings and The Art of the Hobbit? Do you have any photos to share?
Thank you!

2023 Art of the Hobbit

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1 Jul, 2023
2023-7-1 5:29:43 PM UTC
Thank you, remy!
1 Jul, 2023
2023-7-1 9:05:46 PM UTC
The 1st of each came bound upside down. Bkackwells refused to replace The Hobbit one claiming they could not gaurentee it would not be the same.The 2nd LR, from Amzuk, came loose in a large paper mailer without padding. Waste of money. But I have both.
2 Jul, 2023
2023-7-2 4:20:38 AM UTC
Has any of the stuff mentioned in the Addenda and Corrigenda been changed?
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