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2 Aug, 2023
2023-8-2 4:49:46 PM UTC
Thanks :)
2 Aug, 2023 (edited)
2023-8-2 6:36:28 PM UTC
2 Aug, 2023
2023-8-2 6:53:08 PM UTC
Here is the draft of his "book" that was submitted for copyright ... urts.cacd.881511.37.6.pdf

Here is the latest updated version of the book ... urts.cacd.881511.37.7.pdf

Both were submitted as exhibits for the court case and are thus part of the public record.

2 Aug, 2023
2023-8-2 8:19:09 PM UTC
It's truly incredible that he thought this would be OK.
2 Aug, 2023
2023-8-2 9:12:09 PM UTC
Part of me really wants his letters to Simon released as a limited edition

I am in stitches at Alan, that man is having the time of his life haha.
2 Aug, 2023
2023-8-2 10:28:59 PM UTC
Considering that he's as good as JRRT, he's incredibly modest. How generous that he left whatever is left of the $250,000,000 that he wants from them back to them in his will when he dies. Its a good job he's not motivated by money.....
3 Aug, 2023 (edited)
2023-8-3 3:43:59 AM UTC
Copyright stuff aside this guy's mastery of prose is juvenile at best. Dreadful read. It's slightly above your average fanfiction in its formatting and such, but yeah. Completely incomparable to Tolkien in every way and the fact he has the ego to do so is the worst kind of hubris.

EDIT: as a matter of curiosity, has anyone taken a look at his claims that Rings of Power has similar plot points to his book? I'm actually interested in that.
3 Aug, 2023
2023-8-3 4:44:38 AM UTC
The complete LR (one volume edition) was also submitted as an exhibit (though no one has uploaded the file to CourtListener yet), would it become public record if someone uploads it? (Though most likely it would get DMCA takedown soon.)
3 Aug, 2023
2023-8-3 5:39:15 AM UTC

zionius wrote:

The complete LR (one volume edition) was also submitted as an exhibit (though no one has uploaded the file to CourtListener yet), would it become public record if someone uploads it? (Though most likely it would get DMCA takedown soon.)

I think the Court were given a physical copy of the book as the exhibit, so that it can't be uploaded.

Alan Sisto's livestream yesterday was fantastic, I encourage everyone to watch it

Today's Tolkien Times - Literary Lawsuit Lunacy!

3 Aug, 2023
2023-8-3 5:56:56 AM UTC

Amon Rudh wrote:

Considering that he's as good as JRRT, he's incredibly modest. How generous that he left whatever is left of the $250,000,000 that he wants from them back to them in his will when he dies. Its a good job he's not motivated by money.....

He is being modest, he is clearly a lot better than JRRT, just does not want to boast about it.
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