Here are some school folders (meant to be coloured in) from the collection of Bob Alexander over on Facebook (shared here with his permission). Each has the black and white illustration on the front cover, and opens into the two pocket interior (only one interior shown, they are all the same).

orfewspearl wrote:
That balrog is awesome.
That Balrog haunted my dreams for many years. For all it's faults the imagery of that movie still stands the test of time.
Thanks for sharing these Urulókë
An interesting Swedish item (IMHO). 3 Vol LOTR in a Film Related Carboard Sleeve. Looks to have been issued in 1979. I have not seen this one before until now.
Not sure how it was originally packaged - I assume it was shrinkwrapped.
Not sure how it was originally packaged - I assume it was shrinkwrapped.

Never seen that cardboard cover before, thanks for sharing remy. I've always liked the design of those paperbacks.