Amon Hen no. 56

- June 1982
- Edited by Christine Woolrich
- Reprinted by kind permission of The Tolkien Society - all rights reserved.
- 2-3 - Editorial
- 4-5 - Oxonmoot
- 5 - Summermoot
- 6 - Poem: To The Eldar
- 6-7 - Of a Chapman and a Falconer
- 7-10 - Narn I Hin Hurin
- 10 & 16 - Microphones in Middle-earth
- 12-13 - The Creation of Being
- 13-14 - Quest for Fire
- 14-16 - The One Tree
- 17-18 - Jessica's Corner
- 18-20 - The Shores of Middle-earth
- 20 - Excalibur
- 21-22 - Smial Please
- 22-23 - Tolk Folk
- 23-24 - Letters
- 25-26 - Small Press
- 26-27 - Helen's Heep
- Cover - Bob Rankin
- 2 - Titles: Steve Lines
- 3 - Smaug: John Sketchley
- 4 - Title: Christine Woolrich
- 5 - Niphredil: Ley Holloway
- N.E.S. : Hibernia
- 6 - Scroll: S. Lines
- Flower: Marian Haas
- Capital - Mark Bardsley
- 7 - The Abode of Radagast on the edge of Mirkwood: Jamie Blair
- 11 - Fingolfin: (unknown)
- 12 - Thorin: J. Sketchley
- 13 - Warrior: Vince Price
- 14 - Dwarf: J. Blair
- Capital: M. Haas
- 15 - Death of Azog: Dave Johnstone
- 17 - Gollum: B. Rankin
- 18 - illo: J. Blair
- Capital: M. Haas
- 19 - Endpiece: S. Lines
- 20 - Sword: S. Lines
- 21 - Title: S. Lines
- 22 - In the Chasm of Argonath: L. Holloway
- 23: illo: S. Lines
- Title: S. Lines
- 24 - Charles Evans-Gunther
- 26 - Title: S. Lines
- 27 - Cartoon: Hector Breeze
Last modified: 02/28/10 by Urulókë