Der Flammifer von Westernis
- Germany
- German with English summaries
- Deutsche Tolkien Gesellschaft e.V. (German Tolkien Society)
- 1998-present
- still active
- ISSN: 1437-6563
- #4-6 in The Tolkien Society archive
- Issue from No.4 from 1998, and then later issues numbered 1, & 16-18 in The Tolkien Society archive
- 40 pages per issue, in full color wraps
- Deutsche Tolkien Gesellschaft website
Der Flammifer von Westernis (The Flammifer of Westernesse) appears three times per year. The topics range from meeting reports and essays to reviews and fiction. Since in the middle of 2003 each issue presents one of the Tolkien societies from around the world: So far Hungary, Israel, Greece, Austria, Belgium and Taiwan have been reviewed.
- Issues
- #4, 4/98
- #5, 1/99
- #6, 2/99
Last modified: 05/24/08 by Mithrennaith
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La Feuille de la Compagnie
First Person Singular
The First & Second Ages
Der Flammifer von Westernis
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Forodrims telefonkatalog
Frodo Fortnightly