Cleaved Orc
"Evil and corrupt servants of the Dark Lord, Sauron, Orcs were bred out of captured Elves, twisted and broken into the foul, black-blooded race that came to spread their master's ruin across Middle-earth. They were hated by all the fair creatures of the world, and many met their deserved ends with the slice of an Elvish or Human sword." (from Sideshow Collectibles) |
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Last modified: 10/13/06 by Urulókë
- The Fellowship of the Ring
- Frodo
- Gandalf the Grey
- Moria Orc Swordsman
- Dwarven Lord
- Arwen Evenstar
- Lurtz Uruk-Hai Captain
- Gimli Son of Gloin
- Bilbo Baggins
- Boromir Son of Denethor
- High Elven Infantryman
- Merry Brandybuck
- Numenorean Infantryman
- Orc Soldier
- Samwise Gamgee
- Cleaved Orc
- Moria Orc Archer
- Ringwraith
- Uruk-Hai Scout
- The Two Towers
- Grima Wormtongue
- King Théoden
- Galadhrim Soldier
- Gandalf the White
- Lady Galadriel
- Legolas Greenleaf
- Saruman the White
- The Witch-king of Angmar
- Uruk-hai Swordsman
- 3/4 Scale
- Gollum
- Cave Troll
- Nazgûl Steed
- Orc Overseer
- Pippin - Peregrin Took
- Uruk-Hai Berserker
- The Mouth of Sauron
- Éomer
- Grishnákh
- Aragorn, Son of Arathorn
- Treebeard
- Wounded Orc
- Troll Maquettes
- Attack Troll
- Catapult Troll
- Seige Tower Troll
- Grond Troll
- Comic-Con Busts
- Sméagol
- Hooded Rohirrim Soldier
- Legendary Scale Busts
- Cave Troll
- Morgul Lord
- The Last Alliance Busts
- Elrond, Herald of Gil-Galad
- Gil-Galad
- Prince Isildur
- King Elendil