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TCG Letter #241

J.R.R. Tolkien
Ernest Rasdall
21 March 1956
Autograph Letter Signed
Tolkien confirms that a parcel arrived safely but due to being unwell and during a busy time he had not replied. Tolkien will return the books (Hammond/Scull speculate this to be a copy of The Lord of the Rings) on Friday as he and Edith are celebrating their Ruby wedding anniversary (40th) the next day.

Laura Donnelly-Smith from George Washington Today writes "It's a bit of a puzzle as to who Rasdall is and how the letter got into the book," Ms. Kinniff [Gelman Library staff member, where the book was found with the enclosed note] said. "The book is inscribed with a name and date on the inside cover—Christine Cusnich, August 1954—but nothing is known about Ms. Cusnich, and little is known about Mr. Rasdall, aside from the fact that he was most likely a book collector."This Guide has a second letter to an E. Rasdall that possibly is the same book collector - Letter from J.R.R. Tolkien to E. Rasdall • 28 August 1964 (#567)[1]

1 This Guide has a second letter to an E. Rasdall that possibly is the same book collector - Letter from J.R.R. Tolkien to E. Rasdall • 28 August 1964 (#567)
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