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8 Mar, 2013
2013-3-8 7:30:09 PM UTC
Jlong --you want my spare boxset, don't you?


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9 Mar, 2013
2013-3-9 2:48:49 AM UTC
I would certainly be interested in that set as I don't own it, especially for around the price you are offering it or a trade (if I own something you would want).

I could totally be looking in the wrong places, but I'm not sure a lot of these sets are up for sale (regardless of impression) at the moment. I've always really liked the dust jackets. has none: ... collsguid-21&linkCode=osi has one: ... collsguid-20&linkCode=osi

Abebooks has one: ... 26sts%3Dt%26x%3D0%26y%3D0

I guess it is possible I'm looking at the wrong edition or searching by ISBN is too limited.
9 Mar, 2013
2013-3-9 3:37:20 AM UTC
I'm looking to get my hands on this set too. There's a matching Hobbit, Silmarillion, and Unfinished Tales too, right? Any others?
9 Mar, 2013
2013-3-9 7:22:22 AM UTC
For me this is one of the lucky finds of the year so far- only one problem? I didnt see it till it had sold! The description isnt great and the photo doesnt grap your eye and you could easily miss it.

Its only when you take a good look! ... nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557

So for £200 buy now someone got all 12 doulton lotr figures £800-£1000 a full set of HOME by looks of it (if firsts which some will be) £700 -£1000 and thats not mentioning the plates, other books and figures. So subject to book impressions I reckon a potential lot worth at least £1,500 if not £2,500!
WOW - now that is worth going to collect !

28 Apr, 2013
2013-4-28 10:24:55 PM UTC
Just an interesting rather than a particularly lucky find. I bought a copy of Who's Who in Literature 1932 and it has an entry for JRR Tolkien (an in acurate one as it mis-spells Ronald and lists Selections from Chaucer 1925 as one of his published works - when in fact it never saw the light of day).

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8 May, 2013
2013-5-8 9:21:25 PM UTC
Recently acquired the 1969 Tim Kirk calendar - serendipity! Quite beautiful, and well made too. Anyone know what paper it was printed on? It is quite thick, almost waxy, and has a distinct texture.
27 May, 2013 (edited)
2013-5-27 10:21:31 PM UTC
Not sure if this really counts as a Lucky Find, but I just acquired a fine copy of the HC Tolkien Family Album 1st for AUD 3.05 (+ postage), and it turns out to have been an Australian distributor/ publisher's review copy with an A4 slip folded inside.

Mind you, thanks to uber-expensive Australia Post, the shipping was 12 bucks. I suppose the distance from the bit of Australia that it came from to me in Brisbane was probably larger than crossing the whole of Europe...

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10 Jun, 2013
2013-6-10 5:45:52 AM UTC
Been looking for a 1st edition HM Fellowship with a DJ to complete the set. Didn't find that, but did pick up all three HM 1st editions (no DJ's) in fair/good condition for $20. Might look OK with some facsimile DJ's?
15 Jun, 2013
2013-6-15 1:51:20 AM UTC
Anyone here manage to grab this amazing deal off Abebooks? I was too late. :(

Great news - we've found the book you're looking for.

Your Want: # A504615036
Title: George Allen & Unwin: A Remembrancer;
Publisher: Merlin Unwin Books;
ISBN: 1873674376;

The lowest and highest priced listings that match your want are displayed below.

1. George Allen and Unwin: A Remembrancer,
Unwin, Rayner
Merlin Unwin Books, 1999, Hardcover, 1873674376, A lovely copy, clean and crisp in a
lightly rubbed dust jacket. Daily dispatch from our warehouse in Sussex, all
international orders sent Airmail. We're happy to offer significant postage discounts for
multiple orders.
Bookseller: Dim and Distant PBFA, Heathfield, E.SX
Price: £ 15.75 (US$ 25.47)
15 Jun, 2013
2013-6-15 2:38:19 AM UTC
That is a good deal. Had I seen it, I would have bought it.
If I didn't already have one.

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