19 Mar, 2018
2018-3-19 7:54:31 PM UTC
19 Mar, 2018
2018-3-19 8:03:15 PM UTC
Don't know, is it Oxford Poetry 1915?
19 Mar, 2018
2018-3-19 8:34:43 PM UTC
Yes, that's the right place to start. Definitely.
19 Mar, 2018
2018-3-19 10:41:10 PM UTC
Songs for the Philologists, obviously. May require some reference materials for normal people to get the best from it....
30 Mar, 2018
2018-3-30 5:21:08 AM UTC
The Professor is back on The Archers, from about 2:50 in, a lot of mentions in this episode, it seems this was not the best book to recommend, who would have guessed
30 Mar, 2018
2018-3-30 3:00:26 PM UTC
Thanks for sharing! I've never heard The Archers before, but have found these snippets entertaining.
30 Mar, 2018
2018-3-30 9:33:27 PM UTC
I didn't listen (The Archers is one of the few things I can't listen to on Radio Four), was it The Silmarillion?
31 Mar, 2018
2018-3-31 7:47:15 AM UTC
Yes, about half the 15 minute episode is about Tolkien, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, but mainly The Silmarillion.