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Black UK LOTR paperbacks

30 Dec, 2018
2018-12-30 7:00:18 AM UTC

Was asked this question on Twitter

Earlier this year, I replaced my PB LotR trilogy film tie-in editions with ones which match the other PB set we've got. Unfortunately, there was an inexplicable size difference in vol 2-3. Just found a TTT at a local charity shop that matches. £1.60 bargain!

If you look at the Two Towers, on, there are at least 4 versions

1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -

Does anyone know when the height of the books changed?

10_5c286cfb38821.jpg 1200X900 px
30 Dec, 2018
2018-12-30 10:18:51 AM UTC
I vaguely remember some Canadian/US printed copies that were shorter.
30 Dec, 2018 (edited)
2018-12-30 5:58:22 PM UTC
Yeah... so HarperCollins published these in Canada as well (they were printed in the U.S. but not released there). Nearly all of these HarperCollins Canadian 'editions' are slightly smaller than their U.K. counterparts, for whatever reason.

You can find some information about this and pictures of copyright pages, etc. here:

That 2011 edition you linked to (number 4 in your list) is actually a different edition, not just a reprint, and is a larger size (b-format).

As an aside, I was recently wondering about the 2002 HoMe series. It seems this was re-issued in 2015, does anyone know why? Also, there are at least a few volumes in the series that were re-issued but erroneously state that they are 2002 first impressions (and they aren't Canadian); and these first impressions differ from the original 2002 firsts. I'd be curious if any completists out there (looking at you Remy) get into this knotty stuff.
1 Jan, 2019
2019-1-1 7:23:33 AM UTC
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