Middle-Earth: Journeys in Myth and Legend by Donato signed copies on pre-order
18 Jan, 2019
2019-1-18 3:51:14 AM UTC
2019-1-18 3:51:14 AM UTC

Over at the Signed Page bookshop copies of Donato Giancola's Middle-earth: Journeys in Myth and Legend are up for pre-order. The book is due to be published in early April. The Signed Page copies will be signed by Donato just after publication, and you can enter a personalization request in the order form. Also, these copies will have a special "Kings of Gondor" symbol embossed on the title page, designed and implemented by the artist.
If you like his art, this looks to be a great collection of his Middle-earth works in one nice coffee-table book (10" x 14").
Hardcover: 200 pages
Publisher: Dark Horse
Printing: 1st
Release Date: Apr 2, 2019
Signing Date: Apr 9, 2019
Website: http://donatoart.com/
Link to pre-order: https://signedpage.com/product/middle-earth-by-donato/