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30 Aug, 2007
2007-8-30 11:44:01 AM UTC
Discovered (and collected) a previously undiscovered Tolkien calendar. It is a variant of the 1977 calendar published in New Zealand. Check it out at:

As it winds down, hope everyone's summer was great.

Away from The Green Hill Country,

1 Sep, 2007
2007-9-1 1:38:20 PM UTC
Posted the Calendar of the Month for September this morning. It is a German language variant of a particular favorite of mine. Thus, it is somewhat uncommon.

Also added a German language Shire Reckoning calendar to the catalog. It is available in .pdf format from the creator's website.

Hope you enjoy them!

Away from The Green Hill Country,

22 Sep, 2007
2007-9-22 1:58:53 PM UTC
Made a couple of REALLY nice acquistions recently. Posted the complete collection (18) of calendars from Colin Williams, a recently discovered illustrator, and a newly discovered variant of the 1974 A&U issue from New Zealand on my website today:

As always, interested in your comments and visits.

Happy Autumn to all!

Away from The Green Hill Country,

30 Sep, 2007
2007-9-30 10:53:05 PM UTC
Hello to all -

Posted the new Calendar of the Month for October today. It is the first of a series of three calendars from The Hobbit from a recently discovered illustrator. (OK, that pretty much tells you what November and December will be!) You can find it at:

And the first of the 2008 calendars are out - which you can also find on my website. Hope you enjoy them. As always, would love to hear your comments and/or questions!

Away from The Green Hill Country,

6 Oct, 2007
2007-10-6 8:57:02 PM UTC
Just received the 2008 issue from the Middle-earth Fellowship. Illustrations are from Tales Twice Told. Created entries for it in the chronological and society lists. As always, your comments are welcome!

Away from The Green Hill Country,

23 Oct, 2007
2007-10-23 11:54:32 AM UTC
Received the 2008 calendar from Eldalie. You can find it in either the chronological or society listings at:

As always, would love to hear from you if you have any questions about Tolkien calendars.

Away from The Green Hill Country,

3 Nov, 2007
2007-11-3 12:00:01 AM UTC
Updated the Calendar of the Month feature for November. Hope you enjoy the second in this series.

Away from The Green Hill Country,

12 Nov, 2007
2007-11-12 12:03:18 AM UTC
Hey Phil!
Just want to add our lil project here about the 2008 Heren Istarion Calendar

The first ever Heren Istarion Calendar is now available to order!
2008 Heren Istarion:
The Northeast Tolkien Society Calendar
The first-ever calendar issued by The Northeast Tolkien Society to feature previously unpublished art by:
Ted Nasmith
Jef Murray
This 2008 Calendar will also feature:

Shire Reckoning format with Gregorian offsets
Moon Phases
Important dates in Middle-earth

With Many thanks to Ted Nasmith, Jef Murrary, Phil Goss (The Compleat Gyde To Tolkien Calendars) and his daughter Megan we are ecstatic to be able to bring this one of a kind calendar to you.

For ordering information visit:
14 Nov, 2007
2007-11-14 4:25:16 AM UTC
Hi Anthony -

I had this dream that after collecting so many calendars, I would like to create one. With Ted and Jef providing illustrations (some previously unpublished!) and my daughter doing the publishing (all of those tuition bills are now paying off!), I am not really doing much other than facilitating communications (OK, and getting the Shire Reckoning and important dates correct). I can not wait 'til I have one of them in my hands. This is really exciting for me!

Have the 2008 Colin Williams calendars coming. Assuming that the 08 HI calendar is a success and we do an '09, he said that he would love to be included.

Also have a previously undiscovered variant of the 74 A&U calendar published in New Zealand heading my way, too.

And I just received a mint (unopened mailer) copy of the 74 Ballantine calendar.

All in all, a pretty good time to be a calendar collector!

Away from The Green Hill Country,

18 Nov, 2007
2007-11-18 7:11:31 AM UTC
Hi Phil and Anthony,

who would be best between you two to interview about this with some questions for the Guide? I have a copy coming, so I will get to see it first-hand soon, and I can't wait.

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