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11 Feb, 2021
2021-2-11 10:29:48 PM UTC
Hi Stu, you wrote: "I don't think anyone seriously thought you wanted to consort with fascists, FWIW."

So, how should I interpret your previous message (below) and your quoting of Phil?

Philomythos wrote:

Woah. I can think of nothing less Tolkienian (or Colbertine) than proudly declaring excitement over the prospect of gaining white supremacist readership. I suppose if money is the only object...

Stu wrote:

And then he can re-issue the dictionary with yet another title and get the Q-Anon money twice-over. Rinse and repeat! I've always believed David Day is a genius, making the same tired material pay for itself again and again and again...
11 Feb, 2021
2021-2-11 10:51:30 PM UTC
[Admin hat on]

I'm going to keep a close moderator eye here, I think we are pretty much at the end of this particular topic once David's (fair) questions are answered.

David, I cannot speak for the others intent, but I interpreted your comment

David Day wrote:

Of course, like Stephen, the Q-Anon’s would have to buy a copy of the Dictionary and read it first. So, excellent! Sounds like I’ll have whole new pool of readers.

as meant in humor. But, joke or not, I think it is perfectly fair to call that a non-Tolkienian thing to say.
11 Feb, 2021 (edited)
2021-2-11 11:23:15 PM UTC

David Day wrote:

Hi Stu, you wrote: "I don't think anyone seriously thought you wanted to consort with fascists, FWIW."

So, how should I interpret your previous message (below) and your quoting of Phil?

Philomythos wrote:

Woah. I can think of nothing less Tolkienian (or Colbertine) than proudly declaring excitement over the prospect of gaining white supremacist readership. I suppose if money is the only object...

Stu wrote:

And then he can re-issue the dictionary with yet another title and get the Q-Anon money twice-over. Rinse and repeat! I've always believed David Day is a genius, making the same tired material pay for itself again and again and again...

David, I'm not wasting time arguing with you over something so absurd - you clearly came here for an argument. I don't think there is any question to answer. Philomythos pointed out the logical flaw in your smug post and I answered that in jest. It seems like we were all posting in Jest, so perhaps we should just call the topic closed?
11 Feb, 2021
2021-2-11 11:40:24 PM UTC
Calling the topic closed. Thanks all! Don't forget to tip your waiter.
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